3: "There it is!"

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"Get some canvasses and cover anything that's exposed!" Ellie said.
Dad's already on it, trying to desperately to protect the skeleton he's excavating, Dad begins shouting and waving at the helicopter. Dad said something to the pilot who pointed towards the caravan which caused Dad to go inside. I helped Ellie and the volunteers with covering fossil and everything else that's exposed.

"Where your Dad?" Ellie asked. I pointed towards the caravan and we ran inside the caravan.

"Okay, where's the jerk?" Ellie said, clearly pissed. Dad wrapped an arm around my shoulder and Ellie's waist.
There was a man with a bottle of champagne in his hand he looked around seventish.

"This is Ellie Sattler, our paleobotanist and my daughter Lily." Dad pointed his head in our direction.

"Guys, this is John Hammond" wait? The John Hammond. My Dad told me a lot about him.

"Did I say jerk?" Ellie said.

"I'm sorry for the dramatic entrance, but I'm in a hurry. Will you have a wee bit of a drink now and then?" John begins to walk into the kitchen, making himself at home. Ellie follows him tries to help. Dad settles behind the table whilst I stand by the door.

"Come along then, don't let it get warm!" John said expansively.
"Come on in, the three of you. Sit down." As John moves, I notice he walks with a slight limp and uses a cane for balance or style, it's hard to say which.

"I have samples all over the kitchen." Ellie says, as she takes out some samples out of a glass.

"Come along. I know my way around a kitchen. Come along." John said. Ellie and I go around towards Dad. Ellie grabbed a bottle of water. I look at Dad and Ellie, really aback by this guy's bravado, and sit down. Im guessing Dad and Ellie are a thing? John dries the glasses.

"Well now, I'll get right to the point. I like you. Both of you. I can tell instantly with people; it's a gift. I own an island. Off the coast of Costa Rica. I leased
it from the government and spent the last five years setting up a kind of biological preserve down there. Really spectacular. Spared no expense. It makes the one I had in Kenya look like a petting zoo. No doubt that sooner or later our attractions will drive the kids right out of their minds.'' John says, gesturing to me, when he mentions the word 'kid'. I'm 14, I'm a teenager!

"Not just kids, for everyone. We're going to open next year. Unless the lawyers kill me first. I don't care for lawyers. You?" John asks.

"I, uh, don't really know any. We.." Dad's sentence gets interrupted.

"Well, I'm afraid I do. There's one, a particular pebble in my shoe. He represents my investors. He says they insist on outside opinions." John said.

"What kind of opinions?" Dad asked.

"Not to put a fine point on it, your kind. Let's face it, in your particular field, you're the top minds. If I could just get you three to sign off on the park, you know, give a wee testimonial, I could get back on schedule - " John said.

"Why would they care what we think?" I asked, curiosity filling my mind.

"What kind of park is it?" Ellie asked.

"Well, it's right up your alley.
Look, why don't you all come on down for the weekend. Love to have the opinion of a paleobotoanist and a kid aswell. I've got a jet standing by at Choteau." John said, handing us water.
John jumped up and sits on the counter.

"No, I'm sorry, that wouldn't be possible. We've just discovered a new skeleton, and"

"I could compensate you by fully funding your dig for a further three years." John poured himself a drink, as
Dad OOFS when Ellie elbowed him hard in the ribs.

"Where's the plane?" I asked, smiling. The plane is 10 minutes away from here, John told us and left. I can't wait to go!

"Lily, get dressed then meet us outside" I nodded and took out a white tank top, black leggings with my trainers and my denim jacket and added eye makeup. I went outside with my mobile phone in my jacket pocket to see Dad and Ellie dressed, Dad wore a blue denim top, khaki pants with his honey coloured boots and his safari hat followed by his sunglasses and a wristwatch. Ellie wore a blue sleeveless top with a salmon dress shirt over it, khaki shorts, work boots and her sunglasses.

"Come" Dad gestured to me, I followed Dad and Ellie and we drove away to the plane. It was a blue helicopter and on the side it said 'ingen construction'. I got in the helicopter first with Ellie and Dad behind me. There were two other people with John in the helicopter, one was wearing all black and the other was in a suit, looking like a lawyer.

"So you two dig up dinosaurs?" The one in black said to Dad and Ellie, but staring at Ellie.

"Try to!" Dad said annoyed, he knows the one in black is staring at Ellie. The one in black finds this amusing  because he begins to laugh. I looked at Dad to see that he had a confused expression on his face.

"You'll have to get used to Dr. Malcolm! He suffers from a deplorable excess of personality, especially for a mathematician!" John said annoyed.

"Chaotician, actually! Chaotician!" Ian corrected. John snorts, not even bothering to cover his contempt for Ian.

"John doesn't subscribe to Chaos, particularly what it has to say about his little science project!" Ian said.

"Codswollop! Ian, you've never come close to explaining these concerns of yours about this island!" John said.

"I certainly have! Very clearly! Because of the behaviour of the system in phase space!" John ignores him.

"A load, if I may say so. of fashionable number crunching, that's all it is!" Said John.

"Dr. Grant, Dr. Sattler you've heard of Chaos Theory?" Ian asked facing them.

"No." Ellie shook her head.

"How about you..."Ian asked me.

"Lily Grant and no I haven't heard of that."

"No? Non-linear equations? Strange attractions?" Ian asked, receiving a shrug from Ellie once again.

"Dr. Sattler, I refuse to believe that you are not familiar with the concept of attraction!" Ian refused. Dad just rolled his eyes as Ian gives her an oily grin, but Ellie smiles, enjoying Dad's jealousy. John turns to the lawyer and gives him a dirty look.

"I bring scientists -- you bring a rock star." John looked out the window and claps his hands excitedly.

"There it is!" ISLA NUBLAR. It's a smallish island, completely ringed by thick clouds that give it a lush, mysterious feel. The pilot pulls up over a spot in the clouds and starts to descend, fast.

"Bad wind shears! We have to drop pretty fast! Hold on, this can be a little thrilling!" John said. The helicopter drops like a stone. Outside the windows, there's cliff walls racing by, uncomfortably close. We bounce like hell, hitting wind up and down drafts.
The chopper plummets and finally lands.

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