19: "Follow me!"

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Dad's rifle lies on the floor, smoking, several spent shells alongside it. The front window of the control room has three huge impact shatter patterns in the glass, where the gunshots hit.
Tim goes into an open panel through the ceiling, and into the crawl space. Lex climbs the ladder, followed by me, Ellie and Dad. Dad vaults himself up into the ceiling, and knocks the ladder with his feet.

We dash across the ceiling panels, moving fast, but carefully, so as not to break through. SMASH! The raptor's head bursts through a panel behind us, leaping up at us, snarling and snapping. It drops down again, and we keep moving forward. But now it erupts through a panel right in front of us. We scream as its teeth click just inches in front of me but the raptor can't hold itself up there, and it falls back to the floor of the control room. Dad looks around frantically and spots an air duct a few yards away.

"Follow me!" We move for it, but the raptor's head crashes through the ceiling again, this time right underneath Lex. She screams and is lifted up, on top of its head, and pinned to the ceiling above. Dad smashes his boot into the side of the raptor's head. The raptor slams at him, latching onto his boot for a second before the raptor's own weight pulls it back down. Lex goes down with the raptor, spinning into the hole in the ceiling, tumbling down. Dad grabs her by the collar at the last second, but Lex dangles there, above the raptor. The animal flips over onto its feet and crouches to pounce just as Dad summons his strength and jerks Lex back into the ceiling. The raptor springs, but too late.

Dad and Lex scramble over to the air duct and join Ellie, Tim and I inside it.
We crawl through the air duct as fast at
we can, the thin metal booming and creasing around us. We reach a metal gate that shows daylight beneath. Dad reaches out and pulls it up.
Through the gate, was the lobby of the visitor's center below and we are directly above the skeletons of the dinosaurs, the T- rex and the sauropod it's attacking. The unfinished skeletons are surrounded by scaffolding.

Dad helps us climb down out of the air duct and onto a platform of the scaffolding that stands alongside the skeletons. We continue down to the second platform, then the third. Then suddenly a raptor appears, standing to the side by the second floor railing.
It's much too far to jump to the lobby floor, so Dad climbs gingerly onto the nearest skeleton, the towering brachiosaur.

We climb down as fast as we can. Dad helps Tim and I down, Lex and Ellie follow. Ellie goes to the tail. Lex moves with Dad to the front. I land on the main body in the middle with Tim and the raptor watches us. Up in the ceiling, the skeleton's anchor bolts GROAN in the plaster, starting to pull free. But for now, they hold.
The raptor flies out and lands on the back of the middle section of the skeleton. SNAP! It CRACKS apart with the weight, sending the sections spinning in all different directions.
Tim and I twirl on the middle section. Tim begins to slide down. I try to hold on to him but Tim loses his grip and falls to the ground right underneath the swinging, large middle section of the dinosaur skeleton.

Meanwhile, Lex and Dad spins on the front section. Lex slips and Dad tries to keep her from falling as she hangs by her legs. The anchor bolts in the ceiling rip free, zinging past them like bullets. The entire brachiosaur skeleton collapses like a house of cards sending Ellie to the ground. She covers herself with her arms, trying to protect her head from the shower of falling bones.
Lex and Dad fall, landing on the ground with bones falling on top of them. Lex screams.

Alone in the middle section, I look up and see the cable about to SNAP. The large section of the skeleton comes careening down, heading straight for Tim, who lays where he fell on the ground. It comes smashes down. . . with just enough space for him to be safe. The raptor tumbles to the floor in a cascade of splintering bone.
It lands on its back a few yards away and staggers for a moment, the wind knocked out of it. I land in front of Tim. I stand up, and go to Tim. Dad joins me and Tim. Lex sits up and sees the raptor regain its feet. She screams and Ellie stands. She notices the shadows of the second raptor, standing behind the visqueen. She stops dead in her tracks. She backs up towards Dad, me and Tim.

The raptor comes out from under the plastic and looks around. Dad gets Tim out from under the skeleton. Lex joins us as we back away from the raptor, approaching from the left side. We back up towards the large rock in the middle of the room holding the other skeleton. The raptor crouch in our pre-attack stance. We're caught in the middle of the two approaching raptors and we continue to back up. Shit, we're trapped!

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