16: "Three"

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We scramble through the jungle, completely out of breath, exhausted. We arrive at the base of the big electrical fence that surrounds the main compound. I looks up at the fence. It must be over twenty feet high.

"It's a bit of a climb. You guys think you can make it?" Dad asked, looking at us.
I shrugged my shoulders.

"Nope" Tim shakes his head.

"Way to high!" Lex said. Dad grabs a stick and climbs up on the ledge. He looks at the warning light on the fence. It's out. He pokes the wire with a stick. No sparks fly

"Well, I guess that means the power's off." Still not trusting the fence, he taps it with his foot. He moves in slowly and lays both hands on a cable and closes his fingers around it. Dad's body shakes and starts screaming.

"Dad!" I screamed, on the verge of tears. He stops, and turns around slowly...and smiles wickedly.

"That's not funny." I said, not amused.

"That was great!" Tim smiled.
Far in the distance, the T-rex roars. Without a second's delay, we leap to our feet and begin to climb as fast as we can. Lex and Dad are ahead of me and Tim. Tim is a few centimetres away from me.

Dad lets go, dropping the last few feet to the ground. Lex does the same.
A warning light begins to flash, coming back to life. My eyes widen, shit! Tim and I still near the top. I closed my eyes and jumped off the electric fence. I stuck my hand out to prevent the fall but I ended up falling on it! I groaned in pain, as the pain spread throughout my entire arm. It's most likely broken! Lex comes beside me and notices me clutching my wrist.

"What happened?" Lex asked worriedly.

"When I jumped off the fence, I stuck my hand out to prevent the fall and I fell on the wrist." I groaned. Lex looked at me sympathetically. I tried to get up but I was struggling so Lex helped me up gently. I thanked her and stood beside Dad, elevating my injured arm above me chest.

"Tim, you have to let go!" Dad shouts. Come on, Tim. We're all screaming at Tim, trying to get him to move.

"Timmy! The power is coming down, quick!" Lex yelled

"I can't! I'm scared!" Tim shouted back.

"Tim, you're gonna have to let go. I'm going to count to three." I screamed.

"I'm afraid I am gonna fall!" Tim shouts.

"You're gonna get electrocuted
The power's coming back!" Lex yelled.

"Shut up! You're scaring me. Stop! You're scaring me more." Tim yelled back.

"Shhhh. Tim, I'm right here below you. Easy catch. One, two, three. You count it yourself. One, two, three - - " Dad shouted.

"I'm coming up there Tim! I'm coming to get you! I've got to get him!" Dad said, before Dad can go the fence hums as it awakens. Dad and Lex are yelling at Tim.

"Okay, okay! I'm going to count to three. One, two, three...." Tim counts. With a low, loud frightening BUZZ, the fence comes alive. POW! Tim is cut off mid-sentence, and literally thrown from the fence. He slams into Dad and they fall to the ground. Lex runs over to us.

"Tim, you're okay? You're okay?" I asked, Dad checks Tim's breathing.
Dad notices a larger problem.

"He's not breathing." Tim, please don't die! You have a life ahead of you, your only 9 years old. I shouldn't have jumped down and left you, I should have stayed in with you, I cry silently.
Tim is still unmoving. Dad is performing CPR, alternately compressing Timmy's chest fifteen times, quickly, and breathing into his mouth twice. Lex is freaking out.
Fifteen compressions. Two deep breaths.

"C'mon, Tim." Dad says. Fifteen compressions. Two deep breaths.

"Timmy!" Dad yells. Fifteen compress-
Tim gasps and breathes.

"Good boy, Tim. Good boy." I smiled, hugging Tim with my left arm since I can't move my right arm.


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