15: "Stampede!"

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We walk through the park grounds, heading across a relatively open area. Dad consults the map.

"I'm tired, and I'm hungry." Tim complains. We all are Timmy.

"When I get back I'm gonna
have peanuts, bananas etc." Lex said.

"The visitor's center should be just about a mile beyond that rise. If we keep.." Before Dad can carry on with his sentence, we hear the animal cry from earlier, it sounds closer now, louder, and repeated by many more animals. Dad looks up from the map.

"What is that? Can you tell me what they are?" Dad asked Tim.

"Uh, Galla, Gallimimus" He turns around, to face the direction the sound is coming from and squints. The animal cry are much louder now, accompanied by a low rumble.

"they're flocking this way." I said, backing away a bit. Dad takes a few steps forward. As he watches, he can make out shapes in the distance.
Dinosaurs. Dozens of them. All at once, he figures it out.

"STAMPEDE!" Dad screams,
And that's exactly what it is, a stampede of at least forty
dinosaurs, Gallimimus by name. Lex and I are ready to get out of there, but Dad and Tim hesitate, staring.
The dinosaurs kick up a flock of birds, which startles us, and they call change direction at once, the same way.

"Look at the wheeling - - the uniform direction change! Like a flock of birds evading a predator!" Dad says.
Sure enough, a roar comes from through the distance, the very familiar roar of Tyrannosaurus rex.

"Oh, shit." Dad said. Oh no!
We whirl at the sound, but can't place it, as it seems to come from all around us. I look back towards the stampede. The herd spontaneously changes direction again, and now they're headed straight at us. We take off but halfway Tim slows down so I pick him up, placing him on my shoulders and run across the meadow, toward the relative cover of the jungle. It's a real footrace, but the herd is far faster, and Dad knows we're not going to make it.

We jump over a huge root network. There's a space under it to hide, and Dad stops the us , shoving us underneath, then follows us. We cover our heads as the herd thunders over the roots. Chunks of everything fly everywhere as the herd plows overhead, their clawed feet striking the roots dangerously close to us. Finally, they pass so I place Tim beside me. Dad peers up, over the top root, He looks toward the trees, which the herd is now running alongside.
A roar comes from somewhere within the trees. Dad scans the trees, looking for any sign of the T-rex and then it suddenly it bursts out, ahead of the herd, cutting them off, throwing them into disarray, scattering them everywhere.

The T-Rex kicks it into overdrive, runs down one of the Gallimimus, and sinks its teeth into its neck. I cover my mouth trying not to puke. The T-rex makes the kill in a cloud of dust and debris. Tim and Dad half rise to their feet, staring in wonder.

"I wanna go now!" Lex said quietly.
But Dad and Tim are transfixed, watching the T-rex.

"Look, how it eats!" Dad said.

"Dad!" I said, trying to catch his attention.

"Bet you'll never look at birds the same way again!" Tim nods in fascination. The T-rex pauses in the middle of its meal and roars.

"Let's go!" Lex says.

"Okay. Keep low. Follow me." Dad said.
She turns and takes off, running as fast as she can, across the open plain. Dad, Tim and I tear ourselves away and follow her.

"Did you see it's blood!" Tim yelled whilst running after Lex.

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