4: "Welcome to Jurassic Park"

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One of the workers opened the door and one by one we get out. John smiles proudly. Two large, open-top jeeps roar down the hilltop away from the landing cross as the helicopter engines whine back to life and the rotors start to spin again. Ellie, Dad and Ian are in the front jeep, whereas I am stuck with
John and the Lawyer in the rear jeep. Both cars have drivers.

We drive pass through an enormous gate in a thirty foot high fence, which is closed behind by two park attendants.
There are large electrical insulators on the fences, warning lights that strobe importantly and clear signs -- "ELECTRIFIED FENCE! 10,000 VOLTS!"

"The full fifty mile of perimeter fence are in place?" The lawyer asked John.

"And the concrete moats, and the motion sensor tracking systems. Donald, dear boy, do try to relax and enjoy yourself." John reassured him.

"Let's get something straight, John. This is not a weekend excursion, this is a serious investigation of the stability of the island. Your investors, whom I represent, are deeply concerned. Forty-eight hours from now, if they aren't convinced. I'm not convinced. And I can shut you down John." Donald said sternly, gesturing to me and the others when he said 'they'.

"Forty-eight hours from now, I'll be accepting your apologies. Now get out of the way. So I can see them!" John smiles. He shoves Donald aside, to get a clear view of Dad, Ellie, and Ian.

"I wouldn't miss this for the world."
We drive along a mountain road. John sees Dad, signals to his Driver .

"Just stop here, stop here. Slow, slow".
He slows down, then stops. So does the front jeep. Why did we stop? I look out the window to see a very long trunk. I look up and I can't believe my eyes! I got out the jeep and walked towards the trunk, a few metres away, with Dad and Ellie.

"Oh my God." I gasped in amazement. I grabbed my Nokia and took a picture the beautiful creature. Dad lets out a long, sharp, hah - a combination laugh and shout of joy.

He points to the thing and manages to put together his first words since its appearance.

"That's a dinosaur!!" A dinosaur. Chewing the branches. Technically, it's a brachiosaur, of the sauropod family, but we've always called it brontosaurus. It crunches the branch in its mouth, which is some thirty-five feet up off the ground, at the end of its long, arching neck. They've pretty light on their feet - a far cry from the sluggish, lumbering brutes we would have expected. John gets out of his jeep and comes back to join us. He looks like a proud parent showing off the kid.

"You did it. You crazy son of a bitch, you did it." I hear Ian says in amazement. Dad, Ellie and I continue walking, following the dinosaur.

"The movement!" Dad saying, pointing at it.

"The agility. You're right!"
In their amazement, Dad and Ellie talk right over each other.

"Ellie, we can tear up the rule book on cold-bloodedness. It doesn't apply, they're totally wrong! This is a warm-blooded creature. They're totally wrong." Dad smiled.

"They were wrong. Case closed. This thing doesn't live in a swamp to support it's body weight for God's sake!" Ellie agreed. My wish came true! I'm here right now infront of a dinosaur with skin and muscles!! My friends won't believe it. Wait, I don't have any!

Several of the top branches are suddenly ripped away. Another sauropod, reaches for a branch high above their heads, stands effortlessly on its hind legs.

"That thing's got a what, twenty-five, twenty-seven foot neck?" I asked John.

"The brachiosaur? Thirty." John answered. We continue to walk with John following us.

"you're going to sit there and try to tell me it can push blood up a thirty-foot neck without a four-chambered heart and get around like that?! Like that!?
This is like a knockout punch for warm-bloodedness." Dad asked.

"We clocked the T-rex at thirty-two miles an hour." John said proudly. What did he say? Am I hearing right?

" You've got a T-rex!?" Ellie asked with a shocked expression placed on her face.

"Say again?" Dad asked, grabbing John's shoulders.

"we have a T-rex." John smiled.
Dad sits down on the ground.

"Honey, put your head between your knees, and breathe." Ellie told him. I kneeled beside Dad, placing a hand on his shoulder. John walks in front of us and looks out.

"Dr. Grant, Dr Sattler, my dear Lily. Welcome to Jurassic Park."
I look at the view again. It's beautiful vista, reminiscent of an African plain. A whole herd of dinosaurs crossed the plain, maybe a hundred that we see in a quick glance alone.

"Ellie, they're moving in herds, they do move in herds" Dad smiled.

"How did you do this?!" I asked John.

"I'll show you."

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