13: "All night"

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A/N: Before reading this chapter read chapter 12, chapter 12 got published after this one.

"We can't go back the way we came. What we have is a free-range T-rex on the road. There's fences on either side. If we meet him between here and the lodge, we'd have problems. But what this means, what this means, is that this whole paddock is empty. It's safe." Dad said.

"Might be kind of slow, but it can't be more than three or four miles. I'd hoped the rex finished feeding by now, but let's not kid ourselves. Did you know a carnivore can eat up to 25% of its body weight in about one sitting, so he's probably just ready to move on to the main course by now --"
Dad stops in the middle of the sentence, noticing that I'm the only with him. He turns around. Now both kids have scampered all the way back into the culvert, terrified. Way to go, Dad!

I finally get the kids to follow us. We make our way through Jurassic Park. Far in the distance, there's another ROAR. Dad hears it, but tries not to show it.

"Are you hearing this?" Lex asked.

"No, I didn't hear anything." Dad lied. We carry on walking, but now Dad is looking around for a safe place to hide. He looks up, to the towering trees around us.

"You guys look pretty tired. I think
we ought to find someplace to rest." He hears another ROAR

"Like about now. C'mon! Hurry up!" Dad says in a hurry.

"Why are we hurrying if there's nothing wrong?" Lex asked.

"What if we fall? I hate trees." Tim says. Your not the only one, Timmy.

We start climbing the tree, Dad is behind, watching the Tim and Lex, giving them a push up when they need it.

"I hate trees!" I complained.

"They don't bother me." Lex said.

"Yeah, you weren't in that last one." Tim said. Now, near the top of the tree, the four of us sit there, dangling our legs, looking out over the park. It's an incredible view. We can see in all directions. And with the full moon, there's a lot of detail. Most striking of all are dozens of sauropod heads, at the end of long necks, that tower over the park.

"Hey! Those are brontosauruses. I mean, brachiosauruses." Tim says pointing at them.

"It's okay to call them brontosaurs, Tim. It's a great name. It's a romantic name. It means "thunder lizard" Dad said.

"Thunder lizard!" Tim said, smiled.
Dad finds a solid web of branch and settles himself in it, leaning back against the trunk of the tree, with a little room on either side of him. Lex nestles up next to him on the branch. Dad is surprised, but accepts it. I sit on the other side, there's no space for Tim, so he sits in my lap.  Silent of a moment, the four of us can hear the hoots of the animals as they call. Some are almost musical.

"Listen to that! They're singing!" Dad says moving to a high branch.

"Of course no one's ever heard one from a dinosaur before, but I could swear that sounds suspiciously to me like a mating call. In an all-female environment" Dad smiles, enchanted. He hoots himself, trying to imitate one of the calls. Immediately, five or six of the heads turn in their direction and hoots back.

"No, no, sh, sh, sh. Stop! Stop! Stop! Don't let the monsters come over here!" Lex says frantically.

"There're not monsters, Lex. There're herbivores" I stated.

"That means they only eat vegetables. But for you, I think they'd make an exception." Tim smiles.

"Oh, I hate the other kind." I'm sure everyone hates carnivores, Lex.

"They're just doing what they do." Dad says gets off the branch and goes back to sit with us

"Dorkatops!" Lex says to Tim, nudging he slightly. Never heard of that one before.

"Straight-A brainiac!" Tim says back.

"Could you guys possibly cool that" Dad says. Satisfied, Tim settles in for the night. Dad shifts too, getting comfortable, but something must be pinching him because he winces. It's the velociraptor claw he unearthed so long ago in Montana Yesterday, actually.

"What are you gonna do now if you don't have to dig of dinosaur bones any more?" I asked Dad.

"I guess we'll just have to evolve too." Dad said. Silence filled the air, all you could hear was the dinosaurs.

"What do you call a blind dinosaur?" Tim said, breaking the silence.

"I don't know. What do you call a blind dinosaur?" Dad says.

"A Do-you-think-he-saurus. What do you call a blind dinosaur's dog?" Tim asked.

"I don't know" I say.

"A Do-you-think-he-saurus Rex."
Dad laughs. I close my eyes, thinking about what happened today.

"What if the dinosaur comes back while we're all asleep?" Lex asked.

"I'll stay awake." Dad said.

"All night?" Tim asked skeptically.

"All night" Dad lets the claw fall to the ground.

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