12: "Faster! Faster!"

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"Dr. Grant! Dad!" Lex and I scream.
He lays on the ground, looking inside, and sees us staring up at him, conscious.

"Are you okay? Can you move?"
Tim! Are you okay?" He asked.

"I'm stuck. The seat's got my feet!" Tim said, groaning a little.

"Tim, Lily I'll come back for you. I'll get Lex out first." Dad said. Dad reaches in and drags her out.

"Are you okay? Good girl."
Dad tries to get Tim out first before me.
Lex, staring over his shoulder, screams. Dad whirls around, covering her mouth at the same time.

"Shhh! Don't move! It can't see us if we don't move." Dad says calmly. Lex looks at him like he's crazy, but freezes. They wait. BOOM! A big T-rex foot print smacks down in front of us as
the dinosaur approaches the car again. It leans down, right past dad and Lex, and sniffs the car, ragged bits of flesh and clothing, that looks like Donald's hanging from its teeth. Not finding us, the dinosaur swings its head away, snorting loudly through its nose causing Dad's hat to fly off his head. Still, he doesn't move, he's so brave!

The rex walks to the back of the car and bends down. WHAP! The car spins as it is pushed from behind by the rex as I grab onto a seat. Dad and Lex are pushed in front of it, helpless. They scramble around on their knees, trying to keep ahead of the car, which the rex is now pushing even closer to the edge of the barrier. Dad and Lex crawl quickly, but the car is moving faster, catching up on them.

Tim awakens and screams. He tries to untangle himself. I go by Tim and put a hand in his shoulder, to reassure him.

"I'm here, shhhh" i say soothingly.
The T-rex looms over Lex and Dad, who are trapped between the car and the sixty foot drop. The rex bends down and sees us. We back away, furiously, but there's almost no room to move in there. The rex opens its mouth wide and stretches its tongue into the car, I widen my eyes and grab Tim in my arms. Tim screams and kicks as the tongue tries to wrap around him. But it fails, and withdraws from the car. The car GROANS, nearly over the edge now, Tim holds onto me tightly and one of my hands is tight onto the wheel and the other is wrapped around Tim tightly. Suddenly, the car falls causing me to shut my eyes as I hear Tim scream. The car lands with a thud on top of a tree.

"Timmy! Lily!" I hear Dad shouting.

"Are you okay, Tim?" I asked. He pulls away and pukes, ugh! Poor kid! Tim looks at me smiling weakly.

"Better now" Tim wipes his mouth on the seat. The Rex roars once more, in a final fit of frustration.

"At least we're away from the dinosaur" I smiled.

The rain has stopped falling now and Tim has fallen asleep, with his head resting on my lap.

"Timmy! Lily!" I heard my dad whisper shouting from down below. I would answer but I don't want to wake up Tim.

"Tim? Lily?" Dad says as he comes up to the car and looks inside. I'm huddled on the floor on the passenger side with Timmy, who's now awake. He looks at Dad with a tear and blood-streaked faced. His voice is barely audible.

"I threw up."

"That's okay. Listen, give me your hand." Tim doesn't move.

"I won't tell anybody you threw up. Just give me your hand, okay?"
He reaches out. Tim doesn't so I go with him, Tim reaches his arm out but they're still about a foot apart. Dad grabs hold of the steering wheel, to pull himself further in. The wheel turns.
On the branch, the front wheel turns, losing a bit of their grip on the thick branch they're resting on.
Tim and Dad grab hands. Dad holds on to him, getting an arm securely around his waist. I get out of the car too and we start to climb down then stop on a branch.

"Okay, that's not so bad, ay guys?" Dad said.

"Yes it is." Tim and I said. I'm afraid of heights.

"It's just like coming out of a tree house. Did your dad ever build you a tree house, Tim, eh?" Dad said.
Tim shakes his head, as dad moved down.

"Okay. Well, the main thing about climbing is never, never look down, never." Dad says.

"This is impossible. How am I going to do this?" Tim said scared.

"Im going to help you with your foot" Dad assured him. The car groans forward on the branch, which sags in our direction, we look up to see the car beginning to shift dramatically towards them.

"Oh, no! GO, kids, go! Go!" Dad yells.
We climb down, as fast as we can, as the big branch that is supporting the car creaks, ready to give way any second.

"Faster! Faster!" Dad shots.
The branch breaks. Disintegrates, really, and the car falls straight at us.
We let go of the branch we're on and fall, thudding into another branch a few feet down. The car SMACKS into the bug branch we just vacated, and stops there. We are half climbing, half falling down the tree now, slipping on the resin-covered branches, just trying like hell to get out of the way. CREEEE-POW! The second branch breaks, and now the car SMASHES and CRASHES through a network of thinner branches, headed right for us. It hits open space and goes into free fall.

CRASH! The jeep falls on top of us. Dad, amazingly unhurt, looks up confused. We're inside the jeep again, saved by the hole sunroof. I got out first the took out Tim and picked him up, and finally Dad came out.

"Let's go get Lex" Dad told us as we followed him. Dad enters the mouth of the culvert, carefully studying the rinky-dink map of the park he picked up during the slide show. Dad tells us to stay behind as he goes inside to get Lex. Dad and Lex come out and look at us.

"Look there're here." Dad smiled.
"he's okay." Still nothing. Dad tries a new tact.

"Course you could just wait in there while we go back and get help." Dad says walking away, I follow him with Tim too..

"That's a good idea." Tim said, playing along.

"You'll probably be safe enough on your own --" Dad said.

"Liar! You said you wouldn't leave!" Lex spoke up.

"I'm trying to use psychology to get you out of the drain, you know!" Dad said.
Lex just stares at him like he's nuts. Tim shakes his head at Dad , as if to say "nice try." Grant calms his tone.

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