11: "He left us!"

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Tim whips the goggles off and presses forward, against the window. I look up, up, then crane my head back further, to look out the sunroof. Past the goat's leg, there's Tyrannosaurus rex. It stands maybe twenty-five feet high, forty feet long from nose to tail, with an enormous, boxlike head that must be five feet long by itself. The remains of the goat hang out of the rex's mouth. It tilts its head back and swallows the animal in one big gulp. Donald can't even speak. His hand claws for the door handle, he shoulders it open, and takes off, out of the car. Is he lost?! He left us alone!

"He left us! He left us alone!Dr. Grant! Dr. Grant! He left us! He left us!" Lex freaks out.

"Lex, it's okay, I doubt the Rex will come out the fence." I hugged her, trying to calm her down. Tim looked at us and came to sit by me so I wrapped an arm around him. The fence begins to buckle, its post collapsing into themselves, the wires snapping free. Lex squeals and I just sit there not knowing what to do. Tim buries his head in my shoulder, afraid.

The T-Rex strides around to the side of the car and peers down, from high above. Tim pulls away and leaps into the front seat and pulls the driver's door shut. I'm so scared that I'm breathing hard and unable to speak. The T-Rex moves away from our car and to my Dad's.

Lex rummages around in the back cargo area, looking for something, anything. She finds a flashlight and switches it on, facing it towards the dinosaur, who has noticed the light and is coming by us once again.

"Lex, stop!" I yelled quietly

"I'm sorry" Lex apologises.

"Turn it off, Lex! Turn it off!" Tim  said quickly as he climbs over the seat and joins us

"Where is the button then?" I asked, looking for the switch. I found the switch and switched it off, phew!

"Why'd you switch on the light?" Tim asked Lex angrily.

"I don't know, I don't know. I'm sorry" Lex says, frantically. We look up, through the sunroof, as the head goes higher, and higher, and higher, and then the rex turns, looks straight down at us through the sunroof, opens its mouth wide and ROARS.
The windows rattle, Lex screams and switches on the flashlight again, and the tyrannosaur strikes.

SMASH! The thing's head its the plastic sunroof, knocking the whole frame right out of the roof of the car and down into the vehicle. The bubble falls down onto us, trapping us and the animal lunges down, through the hole, snapping at us as we screamed for help.
The Plexiglas holds, though and protects us even as it pins us to the seats. The T-rex continues to push down, and the glass GROANS, crack lines racing across it.
Tim, whose feet were caught above him, pushes back, only an inch of glass between him and the dinosaur's teeth.

The dinosaur claws at the side of the vehicle with one of its powerful thigh legs and pushes, starting to tip the car over. The glass windows shatter as we are thrown to the side, and the Explorer tilts. The car is upside down now, is pushed near the edge.
The rex towers over the car. Like a dog, its puts one foot on the chassis and tears a the undercarriage with its jaws.
Biting at anything it can get a hold of, it rips the rear axle free, tosses it aside, and bites into a tire.

We are trapped inside the rapidly flattening car. As the frame continues to buckle, we crawl toward the open rear window, the car collapsing behind them. Mud and rain water pout into what little space there is left. Tim is ahead, nearing the back window, when there is a CRUNCH and a seat comes down, pinning him.

The Rex backs up, dragging the Explorer, swinging it left and right. It seems ready to fling it over the edge.

I feel glass going into my skin and the mud covering me. I looked beside me to see Lex crying quietly with mud and and blood covering her body, same with Tim. Where are you dad?

"Hey! Hey! Over here!" I looked out of the shattered window to see Dad holding a flare, trying to catch the Rex's attention. The T-rex turns and looks at him. Dad waves the flare slowly in front of him from side to side.

The T-rex follows his moving arm, eyes locked on the flare. Dad looks over to the wall, and tosses the flare over the edge of the barrier. The rex lunges after it. Ian leaps out of the car and
tries to scare up the T-rex's attention with his own newly lit flare. He begins to wave it at the animal and Dad sees him

"Ian! Freeze! Freeze! Get rid of the flare!" Dad yelled.

"Get the kids!" Ian inches back slowly, then takes off, running for his life
down the road. He runs to a cement block outhouse. The T-rex sees the movement. It whirls and takes off after Ian, fast. Ian runs as fast as he can, approaching the outside just steps ahead of the T-rex, but not far enough ahead. Without even slowing down, the rex leans forward and flicks Ian into the air with its snout.

It's just a nudge for the rex, but it sends Ian sailing right through a wooden portion of the wall, and into the building. I turn back and face Dad, who scrambles over to the car.

"Lily! Tim! Lex!" Dad whisper shouted.

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