10: "Where's the goat?"

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Night has completely fallen now, and the rain has started. It's a tropical storm, the rain falling in drenching sheets on the roofs and hoods of the Explorers, which are making their way slowly back to the visitor's centre. The cars jerk to a stop. The lights in the vehicles and along the road go out, plunging us into blackness.

"Why have we stopped?" Lex asked, confused. I wish I knew. BAAA! The goat that was brought up from the underground earlier is still tethered in the same place, bleating in the pouring rain. We're stopping at the T-Rex paddock. The two explorers sit still in the middle of the road. Dad comes to our car and opens the door.

"Is your radio out too?" Dad asked. I nodded. Dad glanced at me. 

"Get back to your car, they might start soon. Plus, you'll get sick if you stand in the rain" Donald said sternly. Dad nodded and left after giving me a quick hug. I hope the power comes back on soon, I'm tired and I wanna go home.

The rain drums on the roof monotonously. Tim is upside down in the front seat and Lex pushes his legs up, and he swings them down. I grabbed my phone from pocket to see I had no wifi so I just played games.

"Up and down, up and down!" Tim chanted.

"I can't believe we invited Ian Malcolm." Donald muttered with a sigh.

"I think Dr. Grant is really .. smart" Lex said a little dreamy. Someone has a crush on my Dad.

"BOO!" Tim yells all of a sudden, causing Lex to gasp slightly. I giggled and put my phone away, getting bored of it.  Tim climbs into the back seat with me and Lex who hits him with her hat as he moves by her.

"Don't scare me" Lex frustrated. Tim sits up abruptly, holding what looks like a heavy-duty pair of safety goggles.

"Hey! Where did you find those things?" Donald asked.

"In a box under my seat." Tim smiled.

"Are they heavy?" Donald asked. Tim nodded.

"Then they're expensive. Put them back." I rolled my eyes. Tim glanced at the goggles and looked upset. I tapped his shoulder and mouthed "Ignore him". Tim thanked me quietly, he leant back and closed his eyes. Tim put on the goggles and stared out the back window of the Explorer with Dad and Ian in it, behind them.

"Oh, cool! Night vision!" Tim smiled. As Tim watches, the door of the rear Explorer opens, and a hand reaches out, holding an empty canteen out to catch some rain water. I think I have one too, I grabbed a water bottle from my bag and drank some.

"Can we have some too please?" Lex asked politely. I nodded, handing her the water. When Lex was finished she handed it to Tim who handed it to me. I gave it to Donald. Yes, I find Donald annoying but it doesn't it mean I want him dead.  Tim moves into the back seat with me and Lex who is tapping her hat, and reaches forward to still her hand. BOOM. BOOM. BOOM.

"Did you feel that?" Tim asked us. None of us answer. Tim leans over to the front passenger seat and looks at the two plastic cups of water that sit in the recessed holes on the dashboard.

"What is that?" I asked, curiously.

"M-Maybe it's the power trying to come back on." Donald said, not entirely convinced by his answer. Tim jumps into the back seat. I look out of the the side window to see the area where the goat is tethered. Or was tethered. The chain is still there, but the goat is gone.

"Where's the goat?" Lex asked, looking at Donald. BANG!
We all jump, and Lex screams as something hits the Plexiglas sunroof of the Explorer, hard. I look up to see a bloody, disembodied goat leg. I gasped, covering my mouth with my hand.

"Oh, Jesus. Jesus." Donald freaked out.
Tim whips around to look out the side window. His mouth pops open, but no sound comes out. There's an animal claw, a huge one, gripping the cables of the "electrified" fence.

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