chapter 2

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It was nearly 8pm and every single time she glanced at the clock her stomach fluttered in excitement.

Ashunta had left less than an hour ago and since then she had changed into a curve hugging black mini, with a neckline that cut straight across her collarbone and dropped to just above her ass exposing just a bit of the wings inked on her lower back.

Her hair was tied back in a low, messy bun and her makeup was minimalistic, a sleek line of black across her lids and a deep red ombre  on her lips.

A loud beep rang through her condo followed by Maliks face peeping through the monitor.

Her heart skipped in her chest "hey," she smiled, she looked at the doorman, "joey you can let him up."

Joey nodded and led Malik to the elevator, the screen blacking out.

Her stomach was a mess of knots, her dainty hands damp with sweat.

She walked over to the mirror and  pursued her lips as she fixed her hair, eyeing herself. She looked hot.

She leaned forward to get a close up of her make up when a knock sounded at the door.

She inhaled deeply, trying to calm her erratic nerves.

She creaked open the door and grinned.

"Hiii," she sang.

"hey," he said his voice thick as he handed her a bouquet of gorgeous flowers unfamiliar to her, "you ready to go?" he asked as his eyes roamed over her body.

Taraji grinned and nodded "yep, lemme just get these babies in a vase," she cooed.

Malik nodded as he followed her through the condo towards the kitchen. "You look breathtaking," he said biting his lip.

Taraji grinned at him, a warmth growing in the pit of her stomach. "You don't look half bad yourself," she teased and Malik chuckled.

She walked over to the cupboard on the far end of the kitchen and swung open the door.

She stood on her tiptoes,  and reached up for the vase, her dress riding up.

She couldn't reach it - not even in her heels.

She could feel his gaze on her back and on her ass - watching her struggle. She rolled her eyes, even though he did nothing to help her, knowing he was watching turned her on.

She huffed as her fingers grazed the vase but never fully gripped it.

Malik chuckled "here."

He stepped behind her and reached for the vase, his body enclosing hers, his crotch grazing over her ass lightly.

She bit down hard on her bottom lip, as he reached above her, his body impossibly close to hers.

He placed the vase down in front of her and she grinned turning her head so that their faces were so close she could nearly taste the mint on his breath.

Fuck. Her panties were already soaked.

"Thanks," she smiled, her eyes holding his intense gaze.

He nodded and smiled as he stepped back, taking the warmth of his body with him, leaving her cold and uncomfortable.

Taraji cleared her throat as she broke his gaze and stepped towards the sink to fill the vase with water, "what kind of flowers are these?"

She picked them up from the island, and brought them to her nose.

"They're beautiful." She said softly, smiling.

He laughed, " I wish I knew, they just made me think of you so," he trailed off.

Taraji grinned "I love them," she murmured finding his eyes, he held her gaze and for a while they just stood like that, their eyes locked.

"We should uh, go," he said clearing his throat as he broke the silence, she exhaled expelling a breath she didn't know she was holding.

"Yeah, we should." She giggled awkwardly.

The conversation in the car ride on the way to the restaurant was polite, they made small talk about their days and joked around, slowly but surely getting to know each other.

When the car came to a stop, he jumped out and ran to her side to open the door.

She grinned at him as she stepped out, even from outside she could see that the restaurant was intimate.

Malik grabbed her hand and led her through the door glass double doors.

Her stomach churned in excitement,
"Good evening Mr Jonathon, Miss Henson," said a petite waitress warmly, she grinned at Taraji.

She grabbed two menus and turned to them "this way, please," She said softly and began leading them through the restaurant.

Taraji smiled hesitantly and looked at Malik who was two steps behind her, he grinned and grabbed her hand "let's go," he grinned.

The server stopped in front of a table that was secluded from the rest of the restaurant, and gestured for them to take their seats.

Malik pulled out a chair and grinned at Taraji "My lady," he said in a mock British accent, Taraji giggled and sat down.

She watched as his lean frame waltzed around the table and took a seat opposite her.

The waitress set a menu down in front of her before setting another down in front of Malik.

"You drink right?" he asked once he had sat down, eying her suspiciously.

Taraji chuckled and nodded,


He turned to the waiteress, "a bottle 2011 Nieport Vintage, please," he said to the waiter, who nodded, smiled and left.

"So you come here pretty often huh?" she smirked, crossing her legs challengingly.

He chuckled and rubbed jaw, "yeah, you can't have a restaurant without chef right?" He laughed.

She raised her eyebrow "you're the chef?" She asked, surprised.

He nodded, taking a sip of his wine.

She smiled, "in didn't peg you as someone who could cook - damn."

Malik smiled, "what's that supposed to mean?" He laughed.

She shrugged and leaned in, resting her chin on her entwined fingers.

"You gon cook for me right?" She urged, excitedly.

He shook his head. "Nope."



"Maalliikkk..." She whined, pouting.

He laughed and shook his head, "thats like me being like 'yo baby, act for me' or summin." He shrugged.

She frowned and he laughed.

"You ain't funny."

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