chapter 5

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"Malik where are we going?" she asked for the 6th time as she craned her neck to look up at him, throwing him the puppy dog eyes.

He grinned, but ignored her, his eyes dancing with mischief as he pulled her body closer.

She frowned.

They were walking down a quiet street in an unfamiliar part of town.

It was chilly, but he held her so close to his side that his body heat radiated off him and onto her, keeping her warm.

She sighed, "please baby," she begged again, her voice small.

He laughed and shook his head "chill baby, you'll love it," he soothed kissing her forehead gently.

She smiled, it actually really didn't matter to her where they went, as long as she was with him and he fed her, she was happy, slightly nervous because she had some things to tell him, but happy none the less.

They began to near a corner when Malik stopped and stood in front of her. "Close your eyes," he commanded eagerly.

She raised her eyebrow and pouted "nah-uh, how am I supposed to see then?" she complained shaking her head.

He chuckled "I'ma guide you babe," he coaxed, chuckling softly.

She searched his eyes and chewed her lip uneasily "okay," she inhaled deeply and closed her eyes.

He grinned, snaked his arm around her waist and stood behind her as he led her to wherever they were heading.

Her heart raced madly in her chest as they walked, her steps small and cautious, her hands hold firmly on to his forearms.

After a while Malik stopped walking, untangled himself from her and sighed "okay, you can open your eyes now," he sang.

Taraji sighed and peeped open her left eye, before opening both her eyes and blinking rapidly.

She turned to Malik, who stood beside her, his face vivid in excitement.

They stood in front of a large outdoor ice-rink, it was breathtaking - but empty.

She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, "Malik, the place is empty, I think they're closed baby," she murmured slightly disappointed.

Malik laughed and shook his head, "nah babe, I booked it out, it's just mine and yours for a few hours," he murmured resting his hands on her hips as he pulled her close.

She smiled,"Aww really? Thank you baby," she whispered as she cupped his face and slowly kissed his lips.

"Come on," she squealed excitedly as she tugged his hand towards the changing room.

"What size boot you need baby?" Malik asked, wrapping his arm around her shoulder.

She licked her lips as she though about it, "uhm, eight??" She replied.

He nodded and kissed he'd cheek before disappearing off to collect the skates.

"I think I'ma need one of those penguins though, I can't remember the last time I was on the ice," she grimaced when he returned.

He laughed and handed her a pair of skates, "don't worry baby, I got you, I'll be your penguin," he grinned taking a seat on one of the benches and kicking off his boots.

"Ion know Malik..." She chewed her lip and sat down next to him.

He smiled and grabbed her hand "Taraji, I got you okay," he coaxed, kissing the back of her hand.

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