chapter 9

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Taraji stood in front of the door, his door. Her palms were sweaty and her heart beat hard and fast against her chest.

She was nervous.

She closed her eyes and breathed in deeply before bringing her timid hand up and knocking thrice.

She quickly fixed her hair and the door swung open.

She bit her lip.

He looked so. Fucking. Good.

Nothing but a pair of grey sweatpants hung low on his hips; exposing his deep 'v' and that thin line of dark hair that trailed from his bellybutton down to his... well you know...

A clean bead of sweat ran down his gleaming chest and a strong urge to lick it up suddenly overcame her.

He probably just finished working out.

"Hey." She bit her lip and her eyes found his face, his usually enticing, warm eyes, unreadable, void of any emotion.

Her heart sunk.

He searched her face without saying a word then turned and walked inside; she followed, through his industrial styled apartment and into his kitchen.

"Malik, we need to talk."

He grabbed a water bottle from the fridge and offered her one, she shook her head.

He unscrewed the cap, brought the bottle to his lips and gulped the cool water down quickly, his Adams apple bobbing up and down.

"Malik." She persisted.

He crumpled the bottle and threw it in the recycling bin. "You wanna talk? Then talk." He muttered, crossing his arms as he leaned back against the kitchen counter.

She tore her gaze from the ground and looked at him, her lips pursued.

"I'm sorry okay," she started, her eyes pleading. "I never meant for things to go the way they did the other day, I just-" she stopped, closed her eyes and inhaled.

The words were there, she just couldn't string them together.

"I feel something between the two of us, something serious, something I haven't felt in a long, long time, but that doesn't mean I'm gonna go around making it everybody's business." Her eyes searched his face as she spoke.

"Because at the end of the day, it aint nobody's business but yours and mine. And yes, maybe I could've handled it better, but I still want to keep us private, I just- it's - it's just better that way. And I'm sorry if I hurt you, that was never my intention, I-" he cupped her face and kissed her hard, silencing her.

When he pulled away her train of thought had been diminished, she was speechless.

He smiled, the warmth and soulfulness shone bright in his eyes.

Good god, how she missed that smile.

"It's okay, I understand."

She grinned and wrapped her arms around his neck and they held each other tight. It felt so good to be back in his arms.

She brought her arms down so that her hands could hold on to his neck as she kissed him, deeply.

She felt his tongue delve into her mouth and twirl with her own, it was intense and beautiful and it only made her crave him more.

She slowly untangled herself from him, grabbed his hand and led him to his room where she pushed him onto his bed.

"Besides," she murmured as she began unbuttoning her coat. "Do you really think I'd come all the way over here dressed like this in this cold ass weather?"

She dropped the coat to the floor and was left standing in nothing but her 6 inch, matt black, stilettos and a sexy smirk that graced her lips.

Unlike Cookie from whom she had drawn her inspiration, she had ditched the sexy lingerie and gone fully nude and now judging by Maliks expression she had made the right decision.

He grabbed her hands and pulled her close, his head level with just below her breasts, he looked up, locking his eyes with hers. "I'm probably the luckiest man alive right now."

She climbed onto his lap, straddling him, her arms locked around his neck, "yeah, you are," she grinned.

She placed her lips on his neck and began making her way lower, the fine curly hairs and tiny beads of sweat that lingered on his chest tickled her lips, but she liked it and judging by his arousal pressed against her inner thigh, so did he.

He placed his hands on her hips and lifted her off him and onto the bed. She smiled seductively and he grinned.

He climbed on top of her, pinning her arms on either side of her head. "Let me worship you." He murmured, his voice so low, and raspy, it gave her chills. She nodded weakly, to lost in the feeling his lips gave, when he kissed her.

She felt dizzy, almost drunk.

He pecked her lips before moving to her earlobe then her neck, along her collarbone and chest, his kisses so slow and teasing it left her breathless.

"Mhmm," she moaned as he kissed her down her smooth tummy, getting closer but not close enough, his lips lingering just below her bellybutton.

And then suddenly she felt him there, his tongue dancing over her bud, his lips kissing, his teeth nibbling.

Her fingers curled in his hair, pulling.

Her moans only grew louder as he worked, his tongue circling her bud, her sensitive, sensitive bud.

It wasn't long before she felt her peak building in her lower half, her breath now jagged, uneven.

She was gasping for air.

Her eyes fluttered open momentarily and she caught his eyes, the intensity in them enough to send her moaning his name.

And then it happened, her orgasm rolled over her body violently, her hips bucked and her body shook.

"Mmaaallliiiikk!!!" she cried, her fingers pulling at his sheets, he smiled against her then kissed her lips, the inside of her thighs, as her body slowly started to calm down.

She opened her eyes to see him getting up, licking his lips, her core pulsed again. Damn he was good.

"We should argue more often," she murmured, her eyes roaming over his body, "if its gonna be THAT good..."

He grinned "well 'that good' is all you're getting." He said grabbing a towel from his cupboard.

She sat up, confused.

"I have uhh – work," he explained, his face serious, but something in his eyes told her different.

She smiled "oh okay, I see what you're doing, but at least I got mine, I guess you could just sort yourself out it the shower," she murmured pointing to his erection that tented his sweats.

"wha-" his face fell in realization, he frowned.

She chuckled "silly, silly boy," she tutted as she began walking away, adding an extra sway to her hips. "I'll just – go, then." She murmured, a sly smirk creeping onto her lips.

As she neared the door, his hand gripped her wrist pulling her back into the room her naked body pressed against his.

"Work can wait." He growled, claiming her lips roughly, pulling her bottom lip between his teeth.

She giggled and pushed him onto the bed.

Straddling him, she pinned his arms next to his head as he had done to her and licked her lips.

"My turn." She growled.

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