chapter 11

426 31 12


You good?

The song attached is like in my top 20 right now and im kinda obsessed with it. 👀💗

I mean his vocals are just 💯👌 and breezy always gives me feels so 😂👅

So anyway, enjoyyyy 😘😘

And don't forget to make my day by clicking that little star at the bottom of your screens 😌😌



"I still can't believe you never told me."

Malik frowned "told you what?" he asked, confused as he turned the car onto the highway.

She rolled her eyes, "playing dumb aint cute, Malik."

He chuckled and shook his head, "I aint playing - told you what?"

She narrowed her eyes "about Shawn, bighead. You know, your identical twin - god I was so fucking embarrassed." She rolled her eyes and chuckled dryly as she sunk into her seat.

He chuckled, "oh c'mon baby, it wasn't that bad." He coaxed.

She bolted upright and pulled her face "what?!? Malik, you forget what I told him?" her voice was high, her eyebrows creased in frustration, "you know - when I thought he was you?"

He took his eyes off the empty road for a split second to grin at her, "yeah that was pretty fucked up." He chuckled.

She shook her head and slumped back against the seat.

"Its okay baby, you know Shawn don't even care." He entwined his fingers with hers and smiled reassuringly.

She shrugged and closed her eyes, succumbing to her exhaustion.

Malik grinned and flicked on the radio, and for a while they drove in a comfortable silence, the soft hum of the radio allowing her to drift off to sleep.

"Man those kids sure wore you out." He laughed.

She opened her eyes smiled, "yeah, they're pretty amazing though." She grinned.

Malik smiled,"and you're so good with em too." He murmured proudly, squeezing her thigh.

She smiled, "you know, Harley thinks we're getting married. She has her heart set on being the first ever fairy princess flower girl." She giggled shaking her head.

Malik chuckled, "that aint a bad idea though."

"What? The fairy princess flower girl?" she giggled.

He grinned and shook his head, "no, us getting married." He bit his lip and shrugged nonchalantly.

She frowned, her heart suddenly beating twice as fast, he's joking right?

They hadn't even exchanged the three magic words yet, and he was talking about marriage? She gulped.

She wouldn't be with him if she didn't she them heading in that direction but already?


She was nervous, she hadn't even thought about it yet, but somehow despite all her anxiety and hesitation, the thought excited her.

He laughed, pulling her back to reality, he was joking.

She grinned, but it didn't reach her eyes. "Man you're crazy." She smiled, shaking her head.

He grinned, "Crazy about you." He winked and kissed the back of her hand.

"Ha!" she grinned, rolling her eyes.

Malik grinned before turning his attention back to the road; assuming the conversation was over she closed her eyes and snuggled back into the seat.

"Baby can we just talk about the way you was working those hips this morning - damn girl." He grinned biting his lower lip.

She sighed softly in frustration and forced her eyes open.

"Baby, I'd love to, I'm just really tired right now, can you maybe let me sleep?" She asked her eyes wide, batting her lashes innocently when his face fell.

"That way, when I'm putting it on you later, I'm wide awake and working my hips twice as good." she explained, offering him a sexy smile.

He grinned and nodded, "go ahead baby, I'm sorry."

She smiled, "thank you baby, now c'mon gimme a kiss." She puckered her lips and leaned towards him.

"I'm driving." He reminded her, chuckling softly.

"Oh right." She nodded, rolling her eyes, "duh."

Malik chuckled and she winked at him before making herself comfortable and closing her eyes, allowing her body to be pulled into a deep power nap.

Just as the heavy comfort of sleep opened its loving arms to her, she was bolted upright by the loud heavy pounding of the radio.

"Malik!" she yelled, her face furrowed in frustration, if life were a cartoon her face would be redder than a tomato and she'd have steam coming out of her ears.

He grinned, "I'm sorry baby but I love this song." He coaxed rubbing her thigh, his body swaying to the beat.

She rolled her eyes and he grinned before he closed his eyes and cleared his throat.

"I wanna make lo - oh - oh - oh - oove, yeah, I wanna make love to you baby, that's all I wanna do - ooh, mhmm hm girl." He crooned, loud, proud and way off key.

She glared at him, sucking in her cheeks as she desperately tried to refuse the laugh building in her throat.

"I can't get eno -oh -oh -oh - oh -oh -ooohoo, yeaaah heeyeyey of loving you baayy -bbeee, that's all I wanna doo-oohwoah." He sang, turning to serenade her, one hand on the wheel, one cupping her face.

She giggled "drive!" she scolded, swatting his hand away.

He ignored her and stretched out his hand, to caress her curves.

"Girl I wanna love you, baby, wooah - aahhhh-ooh ha, I wanna make love to yoooo - "

The car swerved and she screamed, gripping tight onto the sides of her seat, Maliks eyes widened in horror as he tried to regain control of the steering wheel.

But he couldn't.

The car was spinning, the music drowned out by their screams.

Her body flew forward as the left side of the car crashed against something hard.

Her eyes were heavy as she tried to open them; her head pounded heavily in her skull, her vision blurry, obscured by blood.

She tried calling for Malik but the words were trapped in her throat, scratching it like sandpaper.

She tried to sit up but her body felt like lead.

Her eyes grew heavier, the temptation to close them growing stronger.

She knew she had to stay awake but she couldn't.

It was just too hard.

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