chapter 13

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Taraji rolled her eyes in frustration and pulled herself up. She threw her phone onto the sofa and trudged up the stairs. This better be important.

He smiled warmly at her as she paraded her way through the doorway and over to the foot of the bed.

She narrowed her eyes, "Malik, this better not be some stupid shit, coz I'm ready to put yo needy, I can't reach the remote ass back in that damn hospital." She scolded.

He chuckled and shook his head. "Nah babe, I just missed you, that's all." he grinned, patting the space on the bed next to him.

She narrowed her eyes.

"I'm serious," he laughed, "I missed you."

A small smile crept on to her lips and she kicked off her slippers and climbed onto the bed carefully, she snuggled as close as she could without hurting him and tucked her nose in his neck.

He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and kissed her forehead.

"Man." she grimaced, scrunching up her nose.

He frowned, "Wassup?"

"You stinking for real." she pulled her face as she maneuvered herself out of his grip and off the bed.

Malik chuckled and rolled his eyes.

"I aint playing, Imma run you a bath." She nodded as she headed towards the bathroom.

"Baby hold up, come here real quick." He called, waving her over.

She turned around and frowned. "What? Malik, can I just-"

"Come 'ere." He whined.

She sighed and made her way over to his side of the bed. "What?"

He smirked, "I love you." He grinned.

She smiled and pecked his lips, "I love you more."

He smiled and smacked her ass, "now go get my bath!" he yelled.

She cleaned her teeth and narrowed her eyes. "Quit playing with me Malik, you aint funny, how long you still gotta be on bed rest?" She frowned.

He grinned "few days." He shrugged.

She raised her eyebrow, "okay, now gimme another kiss."

He pecked her lips "I love you." She smiled, pecking his lips again.

He grinned, "I know."

"Ha!" she laughed rolling her eyes.


She padded into the bathroom and placed two thick towels over the rack, "You okay baby?" she asked, smiling, as she pulled her jersey over her head.

Malik nodded, "you getting in?" he grinned, his eyes beginning to glint mischievously.

She grinned and nodded as she peeled off her leggings and kicked them into the laundry basket.

The doctor recommended them to wait at least a week before they had sex. Recommended, besides four days was almost a week anyway.

She slowly pulled her top over her head and threw it into the basket too.

She smirked seductively as she made her way towards the bath tub, adding an extra sway to her hips.

"The water good?" she asked, testing it with her big toe.

Malik laughed and nodded, "yes, now c'mon – get in."

She sat down carefully and he grinned.

He ran the sponge over his shoulders, and she grimaced, "careful," she whispered nervously.

He laughed and shook his head, "quit trippin' baby, I'm okay." He grinned.

She smiled uneasily and sunk back against the back of the bath, allowing the water up to her shoulders.

The warmth of the water loosening her muscles, her body beginning to unwind and relax.

"Baby." Malik said suddenly, his tone serious.

She sat up slowly and bit her lip, worried, "yeah?"

"I'm sorry."

She frowned.

He bit his lip and moved her hair away from her forehead revealing a deep cut that ran from the side of her forehead and through her hairline. "Maybe if I just had my I eyes on the ro–"

"Baby," she smiled weakly, "you know that wasn't your fault, that asshole was drunk okay? Drunk. He would've hit us whether you had your eyes on the road or not – there's nothing you or anyone can do to change that."


"No baby, no buts – the only butt I wanna know about right now is mine on top of you, besides everything happens for a reason, if he didn't hit us, who knows how long would've I have taken to realize how much I love you." She smirked as she carefully climbed onto his lap.

He smiled weakly and pecked her lips, "I love you." He murmured biting his lower lip.

"I know," she grinned, "I love you too."

She cupped his face and gave him a long lingering kiss, gently running her fingers over the plastic covered cast that covered his left ribs.

She pulled her lips from his and placed them on the cut above his right eyebrow, then the bruise on his left cheek and then the small scratches that littered his skin.

Without using her hands she slid him inside of her and began slowly sliding up and down his length.

She moaned loudly, everything felt so good, the slipperiness of the water, his body against his, his lips sucking and licking on her neck, his fingers squeezing her thighs.

She licked her lips and moved her hips harder, allowing each stroke to go deeper than the one before.

"That feel good to you baby?" she whispered, biting her lip.

"Yeah baby, that feels so good." He growled as he paid some attention to her breasts, squeezing, licking, sucking.

"Damn baby," he growled and she arched her back, taking him deeper.

She moved her hips slowly, in circles, then up and down.

"You feel so good baby," she hummed, as her peak began to build.

She went down on him harder, deeper and slower, before allowing her body to release.

Her mind going blank as her orgasm ripped through her body, her hips bucking against his.

"Fuck," she moaned, gasping for air as she buried her face in his neck.


Once they had washed up, dried off and climbed into their coziest pajamas, Taraji set up a movie in his room and ordered some take out.

"Damn, captain America sure is fine, I mean, check out the cake on him." She smirked as she nibbled on the corner of her pizza.

Malik frowned, "wait, you really gon say that to me?" he asked, his voice going at least two octaves higher.

She laughed, "it's not like it aint true, I mean come on now. Look." She giggled, waving her pizza at the TV.

"You're crazy." He laughed, shaking his head.

She grinned proudly and nodded, "yip." She said, popping the p.

He laughed.

"You love it though." She added cheekily, wrinkling her nose.

"Yeah I do, now gimme a kiss." He laughed, puckering his lips.

She grinned and pecked his lips. "I love you daddy." She whispered.

He grinned, "I love you too."

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