chapter 3

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It was nearly 1 am when they finally found themselves back at Tarajis condo.

At 11pm the restaurant closed and after nearly 40 minutes of coaxing from both the wait staff and Taraji, Malik finally caved and they left.

Malik, however, was not done and he surprised her with a moonlight walk through Millennium Park.

"Tonight was pretty damn amazing," Taraji sighed, a grin plastered on her face as she entered her condo.

Malik followed her inside and she closed the door behind him and stood in front of it.

"Well you're pretty damn amazing," he whispered resting his hands on her hips as he pushed her against the door.

"Oh?" she asked batting her lashes a smirk gracing her lips.

"Mm hmm." He nodded slowly, sending her heart racing in her chest.

He leaned forward and his lips grazed hers softly, she shivered, her senses suddenly heightened.

His eyes moved from her lips to her eyes, searching them intently.

She gripped his face and crashed her lips onto his, succumbing to the strong desire to kiss him.

His body pressed hers against the door and her mind raced, she knew she should stop, before things went too far, she wasn't a one night stand kind of woman, she had morals and rul- "ohhhhh," she moaned biting her lip.

He kissed down her neck, her jaw, that spot behind her ear, that sensitive, sensitive spot, it felt so good, she could just do it this one time, right??? 

"Malik," she moaned, ignoring her arousal, "Malik, stop, please," she begged her eyes screwed shut.

He stopped and stepped back, his eyes searching hers, his face twisted in concern, she whimpered, her morals had won.

"I - uh have this uh- rule," she mumbled sheepishly "I don't do the whole one night stand thing... I'm sorry, I want to, God knows I do... but I can't," she said chewing her lip, avoiding his eyes.

He smiled reassuringly "It's cool baby," he whispered tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear "I can respect that."

He cupped her face and kissed her lips gently.

"You better have some coffee though," he said his eyes dancing excitedly as he quickly changed the subject.

"Oh?" she asked surprised "what you gon' do with my coffee?" she asked popping her hip.

"Yo ass can't be half asleep when you watch the Purge with me." He laughed, he gripped her hand and led her to the kitchen.

"The Purge?" she asked, in confusion and then it dawned on her.

"Oh. Hell. No baby. Taraji and horror movies do not mix okay." she said firmly, crossing her arms over her chest.

Malik chuckled "pussy." he muttered under his breath as he sauntered into the kitchen "where the coffee?" he asked opening her cupboards.

Taraji scoffed, narrowed her eyes   and leaned against the doorframe, "What did you just say nigga?" she muttered lethally.

"I asked where your coffee was at." he stated, a smirk curling at the corners of his lips.

Taraji chuckled humourlessly, her eyes turning into slits "before that bighead," she said as she slapped his chest.

She glared at him, daring him to answer.

He rubbed his chest where she'd hit him, "damn girl, that shit hurt." He whined.

She rolled her eyes "yeah and its gon hurt even more when I smack you upside yo big ass head, tell me what you said?" She persisted.

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