chapter 7

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Hey babies😌

Please make my day and click that little star at the bottom of your screens 😊


xx Hannah


They lay exhausted, a tangled mess of linen and limbs, a thin layer of clean sweat coating their bodies like a second skin.

He lay on his back, his arm around her shoulder as he held her body close to his.

Her knee was locked between his legs and her head rested on his chest as she listened intently to his heart, a steady beat that matched hers.

She exhaled slowly, her heart felt as if it was overflowing with happiness, the longer she spent with him the harder she fell.

She sighed in contempt after softly kissing his chest, her eyes roamed over his body, absorbing every detail like a sponge, they stopped.


She rested her hand on his arm and ran the pad of her thumb over the roman numerals inked in his skin. "I never knew you had ink?" she murmured curiously.

He nodded slowly, a mall smirk playing his lips.

She grinned "it's sexy," she said biting her lip.

He chuckled and she snuggled closer into his body and nuzzled his neck "make me scream your name again daddy," she whispered, sucking on his earlobe.

He laughed "damn baby, youse a freak," he grinned.

She frowned and he smiled and climbed on top of her, kissing her softly.

She chuckled and threw him off her, straddling his waist tightly, "yeah but you like it though daddy," she bragged.

He grinned and kissed her softly.

She began kissing his neck and down his chest, trailing her tongue over his chest and torso.

His skin smooth and toned under her tongue.

She started grinding her hips against his hungrily and just as things were about to get real steamy her phone rang.

She groaned and Malik chuckled.

"It can wait," she shrugged licking her lips as she trailed her hands down his body.

"You sure?" he murmured, propping himself up on his elbows.

She nodded, her hands finding th back of his neck to bting hom into her,claiming his lips until her ringtone died down.

She smirked triumphantly, pushing him back down onto his back.

Her phone buzzed and once again started ringing.

She groaned.

"I think you should get it baby," he laughed and she pouted but untangled her legs none the less.

She stumbled off the bed and snatched her phone off the bedside table where it sat.

"What?" she snapped into the device not bothering to check the caller ID.

"Ma?" an all too familiar voice asked.

She sighed "hey Celly, what's up?"

"Hey ma, I hope your home coz Imma be there real soon," he murmured and her heart dropped to her stomach.

"What?" she asked in complete shock, her eyes wide with panic.

"I said I hope you're home coz Imma be there real soon, you are home right?" he asked suspiciously.

She grimaced "yeah, I'm home." She murmured, gesturing wildly for Malik to get up.

"Okay, see you soon then, love you." He mumbled ending the call.

"I love you too baby."

She turned to Malik "You need to leave," she said, her anxiety clear in her voice.

"Now, Malik, get up, come on," she begged.

She got a bra from her dresser and clipped it on before slipping on a thong and a pair of sweats.

"Malik, I'm serious, get the fuck up," she warned, shoving his clothes into his arms.

Confused, he stood up "whhhy, baby what's going on?" he asked, slipping his feet into his boxers

She sighed and turned around, her eyes dropping to his waist "fuck." she mumbled.

Her mouth watered as she stared longingly at his manhood, hanging thick and long between his legs.

"Taraji." He snapped, pulling his boxers up completely.

"No," she protested "I wanna see you," she moaned, innocently, her eyes wide.

He shook his head and sighed "don't play with me Taraji," he warned.

He grabbed his shirt slipped it on "what's going on?" he persisted, slightly annoyed.

She cringed "its Marcel, he's gonna be here real soon and you can be here when he gets here," she explained.

She pecked his cheek, grabbed his wrist and tugged him out of her room.

She shut the door and rested her hands on his upper back as she began pushing him towards the front door.

He stopped abruptly, causing her to stumble, "wait what?" He asked. "Why can't I be here?"

She sighed and continued pushing, but he didn't budge even when she threw her whole body against his.

"Come on Malik, I don't have time for this," she huffed, resting her hands on her hips.

He spun around "time for what Taraji?" he asked suspiciously.

She gulped "come on baby, you know what I mean," she mumbled smiling uneasily.

"Do I?" he asked "I mean we've been dating for a while now, but nobody knows about us, we can't be us in public and now you're kicking me out because Marcel's on his way over?" he asked his eyebrows creased in disbelief and confusion.

"Malik." She mumbled, grabbing his arms.

"Please just go, please, it's complicated okay, but I'll explain all to you later but right now I just need you to not be here, when Marcel gets here okay," she begged, her tone desperate.

He clenched his jaw and her knees went weak.

She gulped.

"I'll call you," she murmured kissing his cheek.

"Nah babe, I don't think you should," he murmured walking away.

She bit her lip, refusing the tears threatening to spill and went back inside her condo, picking up their mess as if she was picking up pieces of her heart.

She groaned loudly, throwing herself onto her favorite sofa.

Malik was overreacting; he should've understood she thought burying her head in her hands.

She knew she had a part to play in the whole situation, a big part, but she couldn't allow herself to be in her feelings when Marcel got there, she had to be strong for now and deal with it later.

She whimpered knowing she had start cleaning but all the energy had seemingly drained from her body and left with Malik.

Sighing, she pulled herself up and padded to the kitchen.

She grabbed an old rag and some detergent, clicked on her some music and started scrubbing at the island top.


Ohhh Malikkk why so senti boo??


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