Chapter 14

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Heyy heyy heyy,

I probably rewrote this chapter a million times and still ended up using the original. 😔

Don't forget to comment and vote 😉😘


Harley climbed onto Tarajis lap and placed the plastic tiara on her head, "now you get to be a too princess see," she giggled.

Taraji grinned at the excited four year old and raised her eyebrow, "but if I'm the princess then who's gonna be the monster?" She challenged.

Harley frowned, her small lips pursued, Taraji giggled at her concentration.

"I know!!" Harley yelled, her big amber eyes dancing.

"I'll be the monster! Rrraw!!"

She jumped off Tarajis' lap and snapped her tiny teeth, her small fingers curling into claws.

Taraji shrieked and jumped up, quickly backing away.

Harley giggled and squealed as she ran in circles after Taraji.

Taraji tripped over one of Harley's dolls and fell onto the sofa with a thud.

She laughed and threw her head over the arm of the sofa, turning the world upside down.

"Maybe we shouldn't play that game " Taraji giggled.

Harley laughed and stood by Tarajis' head.

"Raji?" She asked, peering down at her.

"Yeah baby?"

"Can we play music then?" She asked, smiling sweetly.

Taraji laughed and sat up, "Sure baby, what song you want?" She asked grabbing her phone from her back pocket.

Harley thought for a second, "Drake song!! Drake!!" She yelled excitedly.

Taraji laughed "which Drake song?" She asked.

Harley laughed and jumped up and down, "Work, work, work, work, work, work!" She yelled excitedly.

Taraji laughed as Harley wiggled her hips and sang her version of the lyrics to Work.

"Okay, but lemme go pee first Harley," Taraji laughed, pulling herself up off the sofa.

Harley nodded and fell instep with Taraji, "Raji?" She asked as they walked through the apartment.

"Yes Harley?"

"Daddy says I can't marry Drake coz I'm too little." She frowned.

Taraji laughed and stopped in front of the bathroom door to look down at Harley.

"Why you wanna marry Drake?" She laughed.

Harley shrugged and walked into the bathroom, "I like him, he dances funny." She giggled.

Taraji laughed as she closed the door and sat down.

"Raji?" Harley asked again.

"Yes Harley?"

"Are you and Leeky gonna get married?" She asked, pulling toilet paper from the roll and handing it to Taraji.

Taraji smiled, "yeah, maybe."

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