chapter 15

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Once Ben and Harley had left, Taraji began cleaning up while Malik disappeared off somewhere.

She picked up all the throw pillows from the floor, fixed the sheets on the beds, gave the house a quick sweep and once she was done fell onto the sofa in complete exhaustion.

She allowed herself a quick two minute nap before pulling herself back onto her feet so she could find Malik.

She sighed and fixed her hair.

"Baby?!" She called, slowly dragging her feet through the house.

"Kitchen!" he replied.

She padded to the kitchen slowly, her head tilted up to the ceiling, she made a b-line for the breakfast bar area and flopped down on one of the bar stools.

Malik laughed, "You okay?" he asked.

She lowered her head, her eyes found his and she frowned, "yeah, I'm fine," she nodded weakly, "just tired."

He frowned, "you sure you okay though?"

She laughed weakly, "yes Malik I'm sure - now tell me what you making, I'm hungry as fuck." She grinned, leaning forward over her elbows so that she could get a better look.

Malik smirked, "Food?" he grinned sarcastically.

She narrowed her eyes, "Ha! Funny." She said flatly, "but seriously though Malik, what's cooking boy?"

Malik shook his head and laughed, "Taraji baby, chill you'll find out when I'm done."

She rolled her eyes and pouted, "Ugh okay."

She sat back on the bar stool, "It smells good though," she smiled enthusiastically. "Even though I don't know what I'm smelling!" she murmured under her breath.

Malik laughed.

She rolled her eyes, "you seriously not gonna tell me?" she asked.

Malik nodded, "yip." He grinned.

She rolled her eyes, "man." she muttered in frustration.

Malik laughed and shook his head, "you'll love it - promise."

She gave him the side eye and sighed dramatically.

"Kay fine... oh! I still gotta talk to you," she murmured, as she began swiveling from side to side on the bar stool.

Malik opened up the pantry, and grabbed something she couldn't see, threw it in the pot on the stove before he returned to her and smiled, "okay then talk," he laughed.

She frowned and tried peering into the pot but he glared at her sending her back onto her seat.

She scowled and crossed her arms over her chest, "Malik." she whined, she wanted to ask again, but she knew better not to - she knew he wouldn't tell her.

"I thought you had to talk to me?" he laughed as he stirred the pot.

"Oh right." She giggled, "can you uhhhmm - get me summin to drink first though baby?"She asked batting long eyelashes at him sweetly.

He laughed, "Taraji I'm busy! Can't you get it?" he asked as he continued adding stuff to the pot.

She pushed out her bottom lip, and made her eyes wide, "please," she cooed, sweetly.

He laughed and rolled his eyes, "okay fine - what do you want? Red or white?" he asked grabbing two wine glasses from the cabinet to his left.

She furrowed her eyebrows and bit her lip, "uhh I think I'm just gonna have water," she nodded slowly before resting her chin on her fist.

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