chapter 4

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Hey guys!!!

any comments, ideas and/or CONSRUCTIVE critism is welcomed :)

and don't forget to make my say by clicking that little star at the bottom of your screens😊😊

annnddd you can follow me on IG: @taraji.edits

so yeah, thank yooo, ilysm

enjoy ;)


Monday morning she trudged out of bed, a goofy grin plastered on her face.

She took a shower, taking her time washing away the residue of the past weekend, her body moved with fluidity, completing its tasks, even though her mind lingered on the blissful weekend she had just come out of.

She climbed out of the shower, layered on some moisturiser and pulled on some sweats before making her way to the kitchen still smiling lazily.

She popped a capsule into the nespresso maker and switched it on, sighing as she leaned back against the island.

Her minded buzzing with memories, she grinned biting her lip as excitement built in her stomach, it was beautiful.

They spent the weekend tangled in her sheets, if she closed her eyes she could still feel his touch on her body, his kiss on her lips, her neck, in between her legs, all over her body, she could feel his skin, hot under her finger tips, she shivered, slowly opening her eyes. 

It was breathtaking and the best past was, they didn't just fuck, they talked, for hours, about life, their dreams, everything. She hummed softly to herself as she glanced around the kitchen, she was looking for something, she didn't know what, but she needed it, desperately.

And then it hit her - her phone, Malik was supposed to have texted her.

She huffed and scurried to her room, her eyes scanning every flat surface desperately.

She threw the duvet around frantically, her hands and eyes searching every inch of her bed, but she couldn't find it.

"Come on phone, don't play!" she whined as the strong scent of coffee hit her nose.

She huffed in frustration, yanked the duvet off her bed and threw it on the floor, smiling triumphantly as a shiny gold object caught her eye.

She snatched it off the bed and switched it on, her heart racing, her palms becoming sweaty "come on, come on, come on" she hissed tapping the phone impatiently.

When it finally switched on, her notifications beeped crazily, she had 18 messages and 11 missed phone calls; she chewed her lip as she scrolled through them, her heart heavy as she desperately searched for Maliks name, but it wasn't there.

Nearly 3 hours later, she sauntered onto set, dressed head to toe as the infamous Cookie Lyon; she walked towards set B.

They were currently filming a scene between the characters Lucious and Hakeem Lyon, she was scheduled to go on in 20 minutes and cause some chaos.

She let out and exasperated breath and glanced around.

She sighed and grabbed her third coffee before spotting Jussie off in a corner, devouring a bagel like he hadn't eaten in days.

She chuckled and he looked up, grinning at her. "Hey," he muffled in between chews, a cheeky grin played his lips.

"Hi boo-boo," she sighed pecking his cheek.

He smiled, his face falling in concern when he looked at her properly.

"What's wrong TJ? You okay?" he asked, his eyebrows creased in concern.

She nodded and rolled her eyes "boy, you aint got to worry about me," she shook her head dismissively and brought her coffee to her lips.

"mhmm okay," he murmured still unconvinced and she nodded "you sure? You were walking kind of funny," he whispered, eyeing her suspiciously.

She choked and coffee sprayed out of her mouth, she cupped her mouth, her eyes wide in surprise "shit," she murmured wiping her lip with her thumb "really?" she grimaced.

He smirked and nodded "yeah," he said, slowly nodding, he narrowed his eyes"okay damn, now I'm curious, what did you do? Coz it looks like you went horse riding all weekend" he asked.

Her eyes grew wide and she looked away quickly; her eyes never quite meeting his. 

"Mhmm, I guess you could say that," she said then paused, biting her lip while she contemplated, staring up at the ceiling "it wasn't exactly a horse, a stallion, maybe, but not a horse."

He gasped then "damn, I knew it!" he yelled, punching the air .

"Who was it?" He asked his eyebrow raised curiously .

She sipped her coffee and shook her head "you don't know him," she murmured waving him off and Jussie pouted.

"Well whoever it was, he had done you gooooddd," he grinned wiggling his eyebrows.

She chuckled and shook her head, "you better hush up," she warned, sucking in her cheeks to refuse the grin daring to spilt across her face.

Jussie giggled, opening his mouth to say something when her phone vibrated in her pocket and without thinking she pulled it out and brought it to her ear.

He pouted and she winked at him.

"Hello?" she said monotonously.

"Taraji?" A deep voice asked.

She grinned "Malik?" she asked her heart dropping to her stomach and exploding into millions of butterflies..

She tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear "hey," she grinned.

Jussie gasped "Malik?" he mouthed is faced furrowed in confusion, his eyes dancing in excitement.

She brought her index finger to her lips, silencing him, but Jussie ignored her, he moved next to her and pressed his ear against the back of her phone.

She glared at him and shook her head.

"You got a minute?" Malik asked, she nodded and backed away from a confused Jussie.

"yeah, but only a minute, I go on in a few," she murmured grimacing.

"That's cool," he began and she smiled.

" I need you to be ready at 6 we're going out," he said.

She pursued her lips and raised her eyebrow "you asking me, or are you telling me?" she challenged smirking.

He shook his head whilst clicking his teeth "aahhhh, nah see I was uh – uhh ... never mind.. Okay uhh, Taraji, will you allow me to pick you up and take you on a date at 6'o 'clock this evening?" he asked biting his lip in attempt to conceal his slight embarrassment.

She grinned and sighed "yeah that'd be nice," she murmured smiling lazily "okay cool, dress warm, but casual and wear pants - and socks."

She chuckled and rolled her eyes "really Malik? I was thinking I'd just run around in my thong," she teased sarcastically.

He gasped "I wouldn't mind that," he mumbled smirking and she rolled her eyes smacking her lips "boy tuhh" she scoffed in defeat, she had that one coming.

  "You gonna tell me where we're going?" she asked her voice high, laced with innocence.

He chuckled "no."


"no, okay bye," he said and with that ended the call.

She huffed in frustration as she glanced around pouting, her frustration soon replaced by a massive grin.

Her heart and mind raced in excitement and anxiety, she couldn't wait, she just hoped the day flew past.


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