chapter 10

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please make my day and click that little star at the bottom of your screeeennss


xx Hannah


Chapter 10

"Malikkkk!!!" Taraji yelled, "where my jeans?!?" she whined rummaging through his drawers.

She had left a few essentials at his place in case she ever needed them after staying the night -and now she couldn't find her favourite black jeans; frustrated she pouted and flopped onto his bed, folding her arms over her chest.

She sat up as she heard his footsteps pound up the stairs and soon enough he appeared in the doorway, "what?" he asked, confused.

"My jeans." She whined, "I can't find em."

He creased his eyebrows in confusion, his face blank.

"The black one..." she explained slowly.

His face was still blank.

"The super tight black one, you know, the one that had you touching on my ass every 3 seconds..."

He laughed, "Ohh," he murmured in realization, he walked to his wardrobe, pulled it out and handed it to her.

With a huff, she pulled the tight material over her legs, wiggling and jumping around to squeeze them over her thighs and ass, her face twisted with effort - Malik grinned.

He checked his watch and winced,"baby we gotta leave in two minutes, if we gonna miss the traffic." He said tapping his watch.

She glanced up at him from underneath her hair that had fallen in front of her face as she buttoned her pants.

She raised her eyebrow, slightly out of breath and flopped onto the bed.

"Baby, lemme tell you something, I just spent the last 30 minutes finding something to wear, I aint even start my hair yet, how you expect me to be done in 2 minutes???" she challenged.

He frowned, "What? Baby, your hair looks fine - you look beautiful."

She rolled her eyes and pulled her face.

"You do!" he protested.

She walked over to him and smiled before pecking his lips "5 minutes - I swear."

He narrowed his eyes, thinking it over.

"I promise," she coaxed.

He sighed in defeat and she grinned before pecking his lips again.


Nearly an hour later she climbed into the passenger seat of his Audi A4, "you ready?" he asked.

She settled in to the seat and nodded, signaling from him to start the car.

"Wait!!!" she yelled just as he had eased out of the parking lot, "you sure you packed everything?" she asked, chewing her lip nervously.

He shook his head, "For the last time baby, yes I'm sure." He smiled reassuringly and hit the gas, the car moving slowly through the underground parking.

He kissed the back of her hand and held it on his thigh.

No matter how much he reassured her she couldn't help but feel that something was missing, that something was off, her stomach churned every time she thought about it.

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