A/N - (authors note- not an update!)

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Hey guys! I know, I know, it's been a while. But I've finished my exams, all of them :D which means updates will be closer together! But a few quick questions:

Am I doing okay? Is the writing good?

Is it hard to understand? Thoughts? Positives? Negatives? Anything you really like and want more of? Anything I need to improve?

Some feedback would really push me harder to write lengthy chapters with all of your feedback mixed in, I don't want to be letting you down in some aspects, I want to keep you grounded and reading this book! So comment below and give some feedback! It would be very much appreciated! Thanks guys,

There should be an update soon;) prepare yourselves for some major cliffhangers in the last six odd chapters;)

Until then,


;) xoxo

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