Dear Ally,

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If you're reading this then it means I failed in the task of being a father to you. And for that, I'm sorry. I always knew it would be a hard task to be an ordinary father to an extraordinary child. The second I had you in my arms, I knew you'd grow into a beautiful young woman, and you have. I was right. But I also knew the second I held you, that I couldn't do it. I couldn't be a father. I couldn't even keep myself together, let alone my relationship with your mom Satine, or even beginning to understand how to be a father. And I know you only know me as Scum Fell, the guy who broke Jenna's heart, and I don't blame you for hating me for that, and I'm not asking for your forgiveness either. Just know that there wasn't a day that went by when I didn't think of you. I wish I could have stayed and faced my responsibilities instead of running like a coward. I've never been man enough to do that, and that will always be one of my deepest regrets. The first would be leaving you. Satine was an amazing girl, and she took a shine to everyone. And only recently, that made sense, after doing some research and looking further into her past, I regret to tell you this by letter after what you must have been told.

But I'm not your dad.

You either know this already or you know now. I wish I was, but Satine had been seeing another guy at the time that you were conceived. I've never met the actual guy, but if you know of him or of any way to find him, I urge you to. You deserve a real father, a man who can face responsibility and give you the relationship you deserve.

His name is Alaric Saltzman, try to find him.

Maybe he'll do a better job, well, it's not hard to. Please know that if I had decided to stay and raise you as my daughter, then I'm certain I would have been a better man because of it.


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