Altering Years

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It's been two years since I started working with Shibuya Psychic Research. These two years have been the best years of my life. Travelling with friends to hunt ghosts, learning that I have some ESP abilities, and even meeting my boss Kazuya Shibuya--or as I like to call him, Naru.

Nothing has changed much between anyone here really, well, except that Masako and I are better friends than what we were at the 'Blood Soaked Maze' as I call it. Ever since then we have a mutual respect and friendship for each other. Ayako and Monk are still always arguing, and John is still John. Yasu and I are still good friends, meeting up with each other every now and then to catch up.

I have some really fond memories of working with SPR, especially on Naru's eighteenth birthday. I had to pry it out of Lin, the date that is, so I could throw him a party! Everyone pitched in and got him a gift, including me. To say he was surprised was an understanding. I didn't stop hearing about if for two weeks afterwards. He acted like he wasn't happy with it, but everyone could tell he was.

It wasn't up until recently things have started to get a bit weird. My postcognitive dreams have taken a turn here and there. Ayako likes to tease me about my feelings towards Naru, seeing how lately I've been nervous around him.

My dreams, they're not like they were when I was helping with cases. No, they've become sexual, and horrific--always ending up with me or one of my friends getting hurt. When the first sexual dream came about, it was of course between Naru and me. When I woke up the next morning, I could barely look him in the face.

I've gotten used to their recurrence, but they still faze me. The only person who has any idea of these dreams, as to the sexual ones, is Ayako. I've found recently that I confide in her more than I do anyone else here. I don't know if these dreams are a good thing or not, but I know one thing for certain, nothing will come in the way of me, and my future with Shibuya Psychic Research.

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