Altering Years

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**I deleted the last chapter where two certain characters kissed because I felt as though it was moving too fast, and I've suddenly decided on a plot change.**

Chapter Twenty-Three - Mansion Of Evil (Part One) **NOT EDITED**

Mood - Evanescence - What You Want <3


Plopping on the couch next to Ayako, I watch Naru with a small smile as he sips on his tea, laptop open on his lap as he rereads a case file no doubt.

"Hey, Mai, did you hear the news?" Ayako suddenly grabs my attention, making me look at her.

Shaking my head, I wait. "Well, John and Masako finally became official the other day!" Ayako cheers while clapping once.

"I'm so happy for them!" I laugh loudly, scratching my shoulder casually.

Just then, the door opens and in comes the new couple and Monk. Smiling at the three, they all take a seat, Naru clearing his throat as Lin types away at something. We all look in his direction, waiting.

"We have a new case assignment and we will be joined by two new people. One you've already met, my mother, Ai. The other will be my father, Mico. The case we're doing will be about four towns over and will be at an abandoned mansion. The owner, Fujino Yozo, plans on turning the mansion into a honeymoon resort. The only problem is, the construction workers have been facing many phenomena. Because of this, Mr. Yozo is too terrified to continue the project until the situation is taken care of. He wasn't specific with the details, but I have reason to believe that workers keep getting severely injured while on duty. Mr. Yozo is an old family friend of my parents, hence why they're coming," Naru sips his tea every once in a while when explaining the case.

"As much as I want to do this case, Naru, I don't want to exactly walk on into an abandoned hospital, not knowing what's going on," Monk breaths out, Ayako elbowing him for his curiosity.

"I don't like the situation, either, Mr. Takigawa. I don't like putting my employees at risk when not knowing the full details. But, from the phone call I had with Yozo, he seems extremely desperate for help. Mai, will this case affect anything you have to do? Studying wise?" Naru turns to look at me, having been peculiarly distant with me.

"Nope! I'm completely free. I've been doing well in all my classes. Tests are in two weeks from now, so I'll be fine." I shrug, being just as distant.

"Good, go home and pack some bags you all. We'll be there for a couple of days. Also, Yasu is coming with us for extra familiarity."

Naru dismisses us all, standing and heading to his office, shutting the door. Frowning, I walk over to Lin and tap his shoulder. "What is it, Mai?" Lin sighs while turning in his swivel chair to look at me.

"Do you know what's going on with, Naru? He seems angrier than normal. Not only that, but he seems to be all business lately and doesn't like chatter," I conclude my recent observation, Lin raising a brow.

"You think so? I haven't noticed much. But if he is, I assume it has to do with his father coming. They don't get along too well. They used to, but that was until Naru left home to start SPR. Keep an eye on him." Lin turns away from me and goes back to work.

Frowning, even more, I grab my coat and keys, preparing to leave. Shouting out to Naru, "I'll be back soon, boss!"

Opening the door to the office when I finish packing and putting my bag in the van, I spot a familiar older woman. Hearing the door open, she looks over and sees me, her eyes widening and a smile lighting up her face.

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