Altering Years

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Chapter Twenty-One - Party Time Memories (Part One) **NOT EDITED**

Mood - Kelly Clarkson - My Life Would Suck Without You


I walk into the SPR office with a smile on my face, my knuckles all healed from the incident at Erotica two weeks prior. When I walk in I find Naru sitting in his usually spot in the main interviewing area, on his laptop typing away.

I smile at him as I watch him type away, a look of pure focus as he speeds away. I shake my head and start making him some tea, humming quietly. "What's that song you're humming?" Naru calls easily from the other area in the office or his home you could say since it seems like he never leaves.

"It's a newer one that's on the radio. It's gorgeous. It's one of my favorites at the moment." I laugh quietly while handing him his tea with a smile, watching as he grabs the hot cup carefully, sipping and reading an email probably.

"Read this email and tell me what you think. I'm leaving this decision up to you since you took care of this case and solved it." Naru goes on while handing me his laptop.

I sit down on the chair arm carefully, holding the electronic carefully, skimming through the email.

Hello Kazuya,

It's Suko Nanami here. I wanted to thank you and your team personal for the case that you solved all those months ago. My husband and I are holding another party here and we were wondering if you'd like to come along with your team!

I can promise you now that the home is no longer haunted or corrupted from spirits. So you won't be needing to work for us. We'll also provide supper, breakfast, and lunch depending on how long you're staying. We'll also provide rooms too.

Please respond as soon as you can! The party is late tonight from midnight until three in the morning. I hope you all decide to join.

Signed: Suko Nanami

I smile at the endearment and look sideways at Naru who is reading the email over my shoulder. "What do you want to do? After all, SPR is your business and all." I hum while handing his laptop back with an ease.

"Like I said, you were the one who solved the case. So, it's entirely up to you. I may not like parties much, but I feel like due to recent events it may be good for everyone. Especially since we won't have to bring equipment and work." Naru persuades, obviously trying to get me to agree.

"Well, I have no problem with going. Tell Suko we'll be there, okay? Also, ask her if it's formal or not." I smile while standing up and sitting on the couch on the opposite side of Naru, watching as he types away.

"Formal-casual is how Mrs. Nanami described it." Naru finally answers after ten minutes of silence.

"Awesome! Let me call Monk and everyone else to tell them of our-"

"No need. I already got a hold of them. I sent them all a massive email at once." Naru interrupts me while looking over to me, a hint of amusement behind his eyes.

"Fair enough." I shrug while sipping on some sort of fruity tea that I brought with me.

"Well, I'm done here if you are. I can walk you to your home so you can pack a bag if you wish?" Naru sighs while standing up and looking at me.

"What about your own bag, Naru?" I curiously question while standing up and tilting my head with a smile.

"Lin's packing it when he arrives here later to pick up his laptop. I already talked to him about it."

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