Altering Years

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Chapter Thirteen - Building Of The Mad (Part Two) **NOT EDITED**

Mood: Tori Kelly - Anyway <3


I smile at Ayako as she walks out of the room, but quickly lose my smile upon seeing no Mai behind her. "Where's, Mai?" I worry, looking over her shoulder to see if Mai will walk out.

"She's had a long day and wants to take a nap. She'll be fine." Ayako promises, walking passed me and to the meetup room that Naru had rented out.

"Hey, everyone. Mai won't be joining us for this meeting. She's taking a nap." I exclaim, falling on the couch beside John, Ayako sitting next to me carefully.

"That's a little dangerous when by herself, don't you believe?" Masako worries, looking over at Naru.

"It is, but hopefully, she'll have a dream about the case." Naru agrees, sitting back and drinking some tea that either he himself or Lin made him.

~Mai's Dream~

"I must be in another dream." I murmur, looking around at my room around me, automatically knowing where this goes seeming as I've had this dream multiple times.

I look around slowly and sit down, the door downstairs opening slowly and shutting quietly. After a moment, footsteps make their way upstairs, the smell of Naru's cologne as he approaches my room, the door opening and closing, his back facing me and the door locking.

"Naru?" I question, watching him take his jacket off.

"Just let me do this, Mai." his voice comes out, hoarse and needy.

I stare at him with wide eyes, watching him approach me, undoing the buttons on his shirt. "Naru, what's gotten into you?" I freak out calmly, watching him slide his shirt off, allowing me to see his toned torso, his hand carefully and gently caressing my cheek a second later.

"You. You've gotten into my head too much." Naru whispers, climbing on top of me, making me fall backwards onto the bed.

I gulp while he slowly lowers his head, his breath hitting my ear slowly, his breathing rather mellow. "Are you going to let me do this now?" Naru questions, his hands resting on either side of my head.

I take a deep shaky breath before nodding. "Okay." I agree, my voice weak.

Naru's lips gently connect against my ear lobe, before moving down the side of my jaw and lowering themselves to my neck. I let out a hot breath, noticing how it skims the side of his face when his hair blows with it. Naru's hand starts to move, resting against my shoulder and lowering itself, laying on top of my chest, the bottom of his palm pressing against the upper part of my breast, feeling how fast and hard my heart is beating.

"You're nervous," Naru comments teasingly, making me stay silent while breathing. "You don't need to be, I won't hurt you." Naru stops teasing, being serious while the hand over my heart lowers even more, finally resting on top of my-

"Mai, wake up."


~End Dream~

I open my eyes quickly and find Masako and Ayako standing above me, their pajamas on as both of them look at me, Ayako smirking from something. "What happened?" I yawn, my dream coming to me while yawning, causing my eyes to widen.

"What were you dreaming about? Was it about the case?" Masako genuinely asks, curious.

"No, I don't really remember what it was about, sorry." I sigh, closing my eyes as Ayako laughs.

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