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“Chris you need to calm down. It’s not even that serious.” I spoke into the phone as I climbed out of my Range Rover.

He was upset that I wasn’t home when he finally decided to stop by to see me. I hadn’t seen or spoke to him since we got back from New York, which was almost a week ago. He expected me to just be sitting at home waiting on him but he was so wrong.

“Yeah it is. I wanted to see you tonight.” He responded. I rolled my eyes.

“Well, I’m sorry. You had nothing but opportunity to see me since we’ve been back but you didn’t so who fault is that?”

“I’ve been busy.” He responded nonchalantly.

“Well I’m busy tonight. I’m going out with my girls tonight and you’re going to have to wait. I’ll see you later tonight or tomorrow.”

“Man, whatever.” He mumbled before he hung up without even saying goodbye. I huff and shook my head as I threw the phone in my purse. I didn’t have time for his little tantrum.

By now, I was standing in front of Daniela’s door. I knocked quickly. She came to the door a few moments later.

“Hey girl. You look cute.” She said as she stepped back to allow me to walk through. She closed and locked the door behind me.

“Thanks boo.” I responded as I followed behind her to her room. She continued to walk into her bathroom.

“What’s wrong with you?” She asked as she stood in front of the mirror and continued to apply make-up.

“Chris is mad because I wasn’t home when he came over but he’ll get over it. Anyway, where is Ashley?” I said as I sat on the counter.

“She went on date with some guy. She’s not going tonight.” She responded as she applied mascara. “Speaking of Ashley, guess what she told me today.”


“Blake has some girlfriend who has been dating for a while now. Can you believe that he been dating this female and having her around Laia without even bothering to tell me about? That shit is crazy to me.” She rambled on.

I bit my bottom lip before I silently pulled out my phone and started playing around with it. She stopped putting on her make-up and turned towards me.


“Hmm?” I mumbled without looking up from my phone.

“You knew didn’t you?” She asked.

“Yes…” I said while finally looking up from my phone. “But don’t be mad at me. I thought he would’ve told you and it wasn’t my place to tell you.”

Once Blake and Daniela broke up, I promised myself that I would stay out the middle of any feuds or complications that came about between them. I refused to ever pick sides. However, that was hard to do when it was your best friend and brother. One always thought I should be more loyal to them versus the other. I agreed that Blake should have told her but I couldn’t voice my opinion on situations like this.

“So you mean to tell me everybody knew except for me?” She asked with her hands on her hips. I just looked at her. “That’s some bull.”

She turned back to the mirror.

“Look, just talk to him about it.” I said.

“Oh, I’m going to talk to him alright.” She mumbled as she finished her make-up. “I’m done. We can leave.”

She turned and walked out of the bathroom without saying another word. I huffed, rolled my eyes before I hopped off the counter, and walked out behind her.

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