Aridan beamed at us, and I just now noticed that she was still holding onto my hand, "Welcome to Otsana. I hope you'll like it here."
Somehow I knew I would. Somehow.
Russia's POV: Snow was always familiar to me. The cold, harsh, and unmerciful nature of it suited me well. At least that's what i've always been told. I understood the isolation it creates and I understood how one minute it could be your friend and the next it wouldn't. I guess the snow and I are two-of-a-kind if I really think about it.
My black boots shined with wetness, the snow clinging to the bottoms and beginning to weigh me down. It wasn't that I was having trouble, after all my country is all about snow, but Aridan was obviously having an easier time then any of us. Her own brown boots rose from the ground with no problem, allowing her to continue pulling me along by the hand while the others rushed to catch up.
The wind here was biting, chilling me to the bone, while the snow that slipped under my gloves made my hands feel like ice. Well only for a moment that is. Aridan's hand grasped one of my own tightly, her warmth seeping through the glove and making the chill vanish. That was also not the only place it was sending heat either. My chest felt off, a foreign emotion pulsing though me with the constant beating of my heart. It felt safe, not even the snow leaving me empty and unfeeling as it normally does. It was like whatever it was had decided to prevent me from my customary feelings and replaced them with something completely new.
As we clomped through the snow, suddenly much slower now, I noticed shapes moving through the haze of falling snow. Shapes close to the ground that moved quickly despite the heaviness the snow should of created. They moved in and out of my line of sight, shadows in the seemingly never ending whiteness. I stiffened as one drew to close, just a few feet from our guide. Something close to protectiveness rose in my chest and I reached into my coat, pulling out my magic metal pipe of pain. I aimed.
Then Aridan was in front of me, arms out in a blockade. "Ivan, stop. These are my dogs. Everything's fine." I paused, my gaze searching though the storm. One of the shapes approached, cautiously sniffing the air as it did. Eventually I made out black and brown fur, covered by thick white patches of fresh powder. It growled momentarily and I readied myself for what I was sure was an imminent attack. Then a soft chuckle made my eyes flicker to Aridan.
Her hand gently started to shift my own, and I tried to yank it away, suspicion clouding my mind.
"What are you doing?!" She stared at me for a moment before she dropped her hand little by little until it was right in front of the animal's nose. The creature immediately sat, it's bushy tail wrapping around it's feet. It's tongue hung out of it's mouth happily as Aridan rubbed it's head, it's fur becoming rather ruffled as snow went every which way.Her grip on my hand increased again and, without turning, she spoke, "Let me show you. He's just being defensive." I resisted as she tried to pull my hand forward. "Please...let me show you..." The frustration in her voice made me stiffen. Is she telling ME what to do?
"I don't appreciate your tone, young one. Mind what you say." The footsteps of Latvia, Estonia, and the others stopped, the already tense air becoming overwhelming. Another growl came from Aridan's dog, it's watchful eyes on me as its hair rose along its neck. The girl herself was a statue, her muscles rigid and still. The wind dropped to a low wailing, the snow dying down till there were barely any more flakes left.
I could finally make out the area around me. Trees lined the area around us, and I realized that we were in a large clearing, a forest nearly identical to the one at my house right in front of me. A figure darted through the trees, catching my eye. More dogs of several colors hid in the trees, peeking out from the snow covered bushes and tree trunks. My attention returned to the blackish red bricks of the mansion, which were frost covered, the windows in similar shape. Light crossed my eyes, causing me to squint at the sudden brightness.

Hetalian Protectors
FanfictionYou know, living forever is not as fun as it may seem. There is a bunch of stuff that goes wrong. People die and leave you behind. You go through huge amounts of pain and on occasion, even torture. You get to watch the world go to shit and try to ma...