(From this point on this story will be from multiple perspectives. The human names for each country that this story focuses on is in the cast list if you don't know who I'm referring to. Good reading!)
Japan's POV: I sat, gazing out of the conference room windows, as Germany began to lecture America on his loud interruptions of "I'm the Hero!!! I should be the one talking all day, not you Germany! Booooooo!" I let out a quiet sigh. How long is he going to act like a child? He's nearly twenty five hundred years old. He's definitely not as old as the rest of us, but look at Sealand. My gaze drifted to the now seemingly middle-aged man sitting across the table a few chairs down. Sealand had certainly grown into a fine man, and he wasn't nearly as loud as he once had been. I returned my stare to Germany's bulky form and watched as Italy tried to calm him down. Germany's face had taken up a red tint and his usually perfect slicked back hair was starting to become frizzled. Concern washed over me. Should I go help Italy? Germany's my friend too... I quickly changed my tune as Germany placed his hands over his face and rubbed his temples.
"Germany? Are you okay?" Italy was trying to pry Germany's hands away from his face, his own eyes filled with pure tears of concern. Germany sighed and nodded, allowing his hands to be pulled away.
He stared, shocked at the look on Italy's face, before he patted the younger country on his head. "Jah Italia, I'm fine." Italy threw his arms around Germany's neck and let out a squeal of joy. I let out a little chuckle at the sight. Everyone knew those two loved each other, but they themselves were blind to it. It was truly a shame. Yaoi was something I found quite adorable.
Italy continued to embrace Germany, who's face had turned increasingly red, when a loud voice carried over the table. "GAYYYYYYY" I mentally face palmed and slapped America at the same time. The blond haired baka was standing in front of his chair pointing at Germany and Italy, a large smirk painted on his face. He looked so proud. What a freakin-
England's annoyed voice broke through my thoughts. "America! If you want to cause such a bloody racket, go home and talk to whoever is running your economy! Otherwise, sit your ass down!"
America's eyes darkened slightly and he turned to England. "Oh yeah? Well you know England, no one wants your opinion, so why don't you just shut up?" England and America connected glares and electricity flew through the air. I felt a massive headache coming on with the growing tension in the room.
It wasn't long before France joined the mix. "You know, dear England, You should work on your language. What if children were listening? At least America isn't saying such rude things."
"Shut up you Frog, don't encourage him." England's face was a tired mix of rage and acceptance. He seemed to have accepted that America and France would never listen to him. Poor guy. Though maybe they'd cut him some slack if he wasn't nagging all the time? Like that would ever happen though.
As England, France, and America continued to yell at one another, more and more of the countries joined in the mini skirmish that had unfolded around the conference table. Several, who just wanted to get home, sided with England, just because they wanted this meeting to be over with. Others sided with France and America, just because they wanted to pick a fight with the unpopular, foul-mouthed man. Soon enough, the room was filled with undefinable yells and profanities. I couldn't even make out most of anything anyone was saying. Looks like this is just gonna be another useless, uneventful meeting... So much for clearing up the whole global warming issue. Maybe next time.
Grumbling under my breath, I started to gather up my government papers and headed over to where Germany still stood with Italy around his neck, managing to avoid all the flailing arms and flying papers. The German was frozen like a statue and Italy was crying, trying to get him to say what was wrong. The poor red head was still easily shaken by most fights and I could tell Germany's silence was making the brawl in the room even more terrifying for the smaller man.
I focused back on the blonde. Germany's face and neck were a dark shade of red and he was shaking slightly. He was definitely, exceptionally embarrassed. Italy saw me coming out of the corner of his eye, and his head whipped towards me. "Japan! Make Germany talk to me. Pleasssseeeee?" I gave him a calm smile and nodded.
"I wirr try Itary-kun." My accent, which didn't normally show too often now-a-days, was coming out a little harsher than normal, probably from the agitation I was feeling towards everyone at the moment. I didn't see why, after so many years together, we couldn't work together or solve a single issue. Concentrating back on the task at hand, I grabbed Germany's shoulder and shook him roughly, feeling his nearly steel muscle underneath. "Germany-san, are you okay? You are worrying Itary-kun." He seemed to snap back into focus, blinking rapidly before focusing on me.
"J-Ja... I'm f-fine..." His face started to become it's original shade of tan. I breathed in a calming breath, trying to ignore and tune out the increasingly loud conflict in the background. Why is it always like this? Why can't something interesting ever happen? A loud bang sounded in the distant, bringing my thoughts to an end. I swiveled my head towards Germany and Italy, who had both visibly stiffened. After a moment the sound came again, causing Germany to reach down and retrieve his pistol. I followed suit and began to reach for my sword, sliding it a few inches out of its scabbard.
Italy released Germany and stood behind him while Germany aimed his weapon at the down. Another similar noise echoed through the building, and this time the chaos that once was completely died down, everyone listening for the noise to come again. The tension in the air spiked again, though for a completely different reason as more gunshots rung out, obviously coming closer. America's hands soon held his twin pistols, England and the others following right behind. Russia held his pipe and China held a kung-fu stance, one of his many knives in his grip. We all faced the double oak doors that was our only exit as more and more gunshots were heard. We could all hear the yelling now, loud and angry.
Then the doors cracked open and five figures, cloaked in black, flew through. They were so fast I had trouble watching their movements. I could see the approaching uniformed guards racing towards us just as I caught sight of one of the figure's weapons. One was a pure black onyx short sword and the other was... a cane? That same figure twirled on it's heel and shoved the cane into the barely opened doors, slamming them shut. A clear voice resonated through onslaught of gunshots that hit the doors but didn't pass through. "Kyoko, now!"
Another one the figures raised their hands. "Right!" A bright light burst forth from the hands and it hit the wood, making the doors glow with a light hue of green. The pounding on the door continued but it didn't seem like the door was going to give anytime soon. Must be some sort of barrier magic. The figure with the cane pulled back and tossed the tool into the air, where it disappeared in a puff of green smoke.
A figure holding a long sword clapped it's hands, almost in a amused matter. It seethed its weapon as it spoke, "Good job everyone! Now we only have to find a way out of here and figure out where the countries..." It's head turned towards us and the figure stiffened. "Never mind..."
All was silent, nobody daring to move as we all processed what had been said.
Then, one by one, the cloaked being's slowly moved their heads to face us. I readied my sword and felt the air turn dangerous. I heard the multiple cocking of guns and the distinct sound of metal swishing through the air as everyone brandished their swords and knives. It was almost instantly after that when the figure closest to the doors, the one that had held the cane, dropped her blade and raised her hands in a non threatening way, taking a small step forward despite all the weapons turned her way.
"Please lower your weapons, we're not here to hurt you." A foot sent the sword skittering across the floor where it stopped almost within my reach. I felt confusion wash over me. What the hell is going on?

Hetalian Protectors
FanficYou know, living forever is not as fun as it may seem. There is a bunch of stuff that goes wrong. People die and leave you behind. You go through huge amounts of pain and on occasion, even torture. You get to watch the world go to shit and try to ma...