Chapter 31: talking & realizing.

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Bethany's POV:

After standing in the middle of their street for a little while, I walked over to my car and drove home.

Millions of questions and thoughts filled my brain. I realized how tired I was.

As soon as I got home, I told my parents goodnight, and went straight to bed. I almost fell asleep instantly!

I woke up the next morning feeling pretty good. I was still a bit exhausted, but I had a good feeling about today.

I felt the need to tell someone what happened last night.

But who? I'm not gonna tell Brad.

Rydel! Oh, and Brea, of course!

Since it was only 9 in the morning, I decided to wait until later to tell everyone.

I got out of bed and changed into some proper clothes. Then, I went downstairs to eat my breakfast.

As I was finishing up, I received a text from Brea.

Text convo...

Brea: hey! what's up?

Me: oh my, hi, Brea! I feel like it's been forever. Nothing much, I'm just finishing up breakfast. What about you?

Brea: yeah! And I'm just watching Netflix (like usual!) I was wondering if you wanted to hang out!?

Me: haha of course! I'm free the whole day. You?

Brea: sadly, I'm only free for two hours. From 12:00pm to 2:00pm. But I guess that's fine, right?

Me: yup! what do you wanna do?

Brea: hmmm... maybe the movies?

Me: nahh, wouldn't work since I have some things to tell you.

Brea: oh right. how about go out for lunch? That's a good time to talk.

Me: sounds good! Where should we eat?

Brea: how about that new burger place down Main Street?

Me: yes, I really wanted to go there! I'll meet you there at noon.

Brea: yay! see you there!

Me: yep, bye Brea!

End of text convo...

What do I do until noon? Noon isn't until another 2 hours.

I would call Rydel, but we have a time difference, so I don't know what time it is for her. And she's obviously busy.

I decided to just chill in my bedroom, listen to music, maybe watch some YouTube and clean my room a bit.

Surprisingly, time went by super fast.

It was already 11:50am! I needed to start getting ready to leave. I grabbed my jean jacket, slipped on my white converse and left my house.

I drove to the cute, new burger diner, and went inside.

Brea wasn't here yet, so I just found table and waited for about 10 minutes until she finally came.

"Hey, Bethany!" She said.

We quickly hugged and then sat down.

"Hi! How are you? I have so much to say." I told her, and then laughed.

"I'm great. What about you? And oh my gosh, tell me!" She replied.

"I've been good. And... It's about Ross." I said, trying to sound serious.

Her smiled suddenly faded.

"Oh, is everything alright between you two?" She asked, concerned.

I laughed at what she said. She looked so concerned, but everything was fine!

"Why are you laughing?" Brea questioned, while giggling a bit.

"Everything is great between Ross & I. Him and his family came to visit for a day yesterday. In fact... We kissed."

Once I said that, I felt so good to tell someone.

"OMG! How was it? What happened? Was everyone there? Was it awkward? Who kissed who? Did-"

"Brea! Calm yourself! First of all, it was amazing. It felt so good to be in his arms again. Second of all, no, we were alone outside. Of course it wasn't awkward, silly! And I guess you can say we kissed each other." I answered.

"Oh, sorry for asking so much. And oh my god, that's incredible. I'm so glad everything's alright with you guys." She smiled.

We finally ordered something to eat, and while we were eating, Brea stopped and looked at me.

"Did Ross tell you what he's been keeping from you, though?" She asked.

I thought about that and sighed.

"No, not yet... But they are coming back from tour next week... So, I'll talk to him then."

When she said that, I kinda felt sad. Yesterday, Ross & I acted like we never even argued. I hope when he comes back, things are still normal...

After hanging out with Brea, it was 2:00pm and she had to go.

"Well, it was awesome seeing you! Have a good week, Beth!" Brea said.

"Yup, bye Brea! Nice seeing you!" I replied, and then drove home.

I got home and went up to my room.

I checked my phone to see 3 missed calls from Rydel.

I immediately called her. I wanted to talk to her so badly!

"BETH! YOU & ROSS KISSED?!" Rydel practically screamed into the phone.

"Rydel! And uh, who told you?!" I said, giggling. "I wanted to tell you!"

"I over heard Ross say that to Riker! And oh, oops... Sorry! tELL ME ALL ABOUT IT, GIRL!" Rydel replied.

"Okay, okay! Soooo, after you guys entered the bus, I waited outside for Ross..."

I told her the whole story and she was freaking out.

"You guys are adorable. I can't wait to find out what will happen next week when we see each other again! Maybe you will actually confess to him that you love him..." Rydel said. I could tell she was smiling by the tone of her voice.





Was the 'secret' that Ross was keeping from me...

Was it that... he loves me?

I almost dropped my phone.

"Rydel..." I said, shaking a little bit.

"Beth, are you okay?"

"Rydel! I just thought of something..."

"Yes? What is it?" She sounded concerned.

"You know that 'secret' Ross has been keeping from me?" I asked. "Could it b-be that he... he loves m-me?"

She was silent.

"I never thought of that..." She finally said.

"Rydel! If that's the case, that means I was getting angry at him for loving me! I am such an idiot! How could I do this to him... All of these arguments that we had, we're all because of me. I was literally forcing him to admit he loves me! I was being so sassy about it... How could he still possibly love me? I'm such an idiot..."

The part about me being an idiot wasn't a lie.

sorry it's been like two weeks :(
Hope you enjoy this chapter!
Ps; I got the picture at the beginning from We Heart It. 
Don't forget to vote & comment.
-Alexa ❤️

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