To heal a open cut

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Your POV
It was the end of the 4th period. Each period is 90 minutes, I have 2 with Mark, my best friend in the world. We have known each other sense we were babies. Tomorrow I have different periods then I had today, also I have one period tomorrow with my boyfriend (whatever name you want to use.)
I opened my locker and a folded piece of paper fell onto the floor.
I picked it up and unfolded it a few times. I recognized the hand writing very quickly.

Dear y/n,
I no longer want to be your boyfriend. Our relationship is moving too slow. It's been a month and you won't even kiss me. I no longer like you that way, or anyway for that matter. We should not be friends or even talk.
P.S if you did not get the memo, I'm breaking up with you.
-your ex

My eyes started to water at the harsh way he broke up with me. The large crowds of people passed by with thundering sounds of talking, laughter, screaming, feet banging on the hard floor, lockers opening and slamming shut. My mind just focused on the words, I read it over and over until a strong arm wrapped around my shoulders awakening me from the deep thought I was in.

"Hey y/n!" The voice was filled with energy and life. I blinked a few time getting the water to go away.

"Hey Mark." I smiled at him.

"What's wrong? W-what's that?" He looked from my eyes to the paper. I folded it in half quickly.

"Nothing, just a note from my teacher...talking about how I need to make up a test that was late....that's all." He looked back into my eyes and nodded.

"God I'm so glad it's FRIDAY!!!!!" He threw his fists in the air and his head back. I giggled at what he did.

I took my book bag from my locker and we headed out of the school doors and started to walk to my house.

" was your day?" He looked up at me.

"F-fine...just a bit...tiring." I sighed.

"Awe, Fridays suck for that reason. Sure it's that last day of the week but it's tiring like Mondays..." He breath laughed.

"Heh, yeah..." I leaned my head on his shoulder.

"Awww is little miss y/n to tired to stand up straight?" He spoke in a baby voice. Followed by a sly smirk.

"Shut up Mark." I playfully shoved his face away as took my head off his shoulder.

"Owie..." He took his hands and covered his face and pretended to cry, stopping in his tracks. "WHY YOU GOTTA BE SO RUDE! DONT YOU KNOW IM HUMAN TOO!!!" He tried to keep a pout oh his face but failed in flames. He bursted out laughing. As did I.
We both were holding our stomachs and for the rest of the way home I forgot about that harsh note that was now crumbled in my hands.

I opened the door to my house and we both walked in.

"Hey honey! How was your day?" I heard my mom call from the kitchen.

"Fine." I called back as she came into the living room.

"Oh, I was talking to Mark." She walked up to Mark and embraced him, and he embraced her chuckling.

My jaw dropped. "I see how it is, mom..." I my eye were now slits staring at her.

"Hi mommy, my day was good and yours?" Mark was cuddling his head on her shoulder.

"How was your day y/n..." She spoke in a scarcastic tone. As her and Marks embrace ended.

"Fine." At that moment remembered the paper in my hand.

"So Mark, are you going to stay for dinner?" My mom looked at him.

"Well if your offering!" He smiled. I just laughed and headed upstairs to my room. I heard distant footsteps on the hardwood floor behind me.
I reached my room and set my book bag on the floor then threw the paper ball on my nightstand and dropped face first onto my bed.

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