Mr.Fischbach the band director

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(I noticed I didn't do this in my other stories that involve you being in school. So far they are all high school, *whispers loud* that's where your in now! Crap that made no sense...look it 4 am I'm tired yet not...I'm not going to make sense)
Smut warning
Your in your last year of high school
Your POV

"YOUR A FUCKING MISTAKE!!! I WISH ME AND YOUR FATHER NEVER HAD MEET!!! AND ITS BECAUSE OF YOU!!!" My mom was screaming at me once again this morning on my way to school. Tears were streaming down my face as I closed the door. I walked to the bus stop and waited for the bus sniffling and trying to dry my tears.

After going through a whole day of school it was finely 4th period and I was still upset over this morning and last night. I didn't eat at lunch and I almost cried like 12 times. Today least it's band...all of my friends and Mr. Fischbach the best teacher this school has and will ever see.

I was closing my band locker with my clarinet in hand when my friends came up to me.

"Hey F/N what's wrong? You've been out of it all day." I started to tell them what happen last night and this morning between me and my mom. I broke down at the end and started to sob my eyes out. B/F/N hugged me and let me cry into her shoulder.

"Why don't you talk to Mr. Fischbach? He's really good at helping people out...he could probably-" I cut her off before she could say any more.

" don't want to tell any teachers...they will call my mom...." I sobbed.

"Hey ladies, is everything okay over here? Class is about to start." I heard Mr. Fischbach's soft caring deep voice ring in my ears.

"No." B/F/N told Mr. Fischbach. They staid silent for a minute. Most likely mouthing to each other.

"Hey F/N, are you okay?" I just shook my head. "Do you want to talk about it in my room?" I took my head away from B/F/Ns shoulder and looked at him his red leaky eyes and nodded. "Okay...give me a second okay?" I nodded my head again. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and lead me to the double doors and stopped. "Just wait here okay." I once again nodded.

He walked over to the other band director. (At my school we have three band directors, woodwinds, brass, and percussion but I will keep it two and there are two band rooms one holds everyone one is half the size. In this case the smaller one is Mr. Fischbach's room) He told her something then walked back over to me. "Alright let's go." He opened the door and let me out first then closed the door behind him and walked me across the band hall to his room then closed the door.

"So what's going on? What happened to the hyper, energetic, over cover crazy F/N that I know?" He walked up to me.

"Last and my mom go into a big argument..." he nodded his head.

"Mind me asking what about?" I continued.

"I walked through the door and I saw a bottle of whiskey. It was half empty. My mom was drunk and started to tell at me. Telling me that she regretted having me, I was a mistake, she wished she never met my father, she could have been doing something with her life if she never met him." His eyes shown nothing but sympathy.

"Oh F/N..." he said softly, I continued.

"My father died in the army...he was a good man who fought for our country...they sent over his tags...I still have them..." I sniffled and continued. "She then started to throw things at me...she pulled my hair she threw glass plates and cups at me. Many shattered on the wall near me. I got cut a lot..." tears dropped from my eyes.

His sad expression made me sadder. "She said that I never do anything but all I do is cook for her and clean the apartment...she does nothing...she scratched me..." I pulled up my sleeve to show the marks.

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