I would like to appoligize

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(Okay read that pic. Now look at those amazing brown orbs of happiness. Now look at the cute adorable little mustache...)

Okay back on the topic and reason for this part of whatever....this is.

Sooooooo there is good news and bad news. Let's go bad first so I can mask it with good news is that alright? Gee I sure hope so I really don't want to upset anyone...

Okie dokie here we go...as none of you k-ya know I don't like when people well WRITHERS go into their personal life...I mean it's good and great and all but I kinda wanna read the story...but this is kinda mandatory as to why THERE HASENT BEEN ANY NEW CHAPTERS!!!  Which I'm very sorry for.

So I was at my dads...for 3 weeks from the 27th to the 15th I updated a little to none I believe...and then there was Indy popcon the 17tg 18th and 19th and I saw Bob, Wade and Tyler and NSP, Princess rap battle, Nate wants to battle...I didn't know who he was I like walked past his booth...I SAW Tara strong...like to look at her cost 5 dollars so uhhh...nah I'm good...anyways I was very sad Markiplier wasn't there...but it's good well...THE NEXT DAY! THE 20TH THE DAY AFTER I WAS AT THE CONVENTION CENTER DOWN TOWN (I live in Indianapolis) I HAD MARCHING BAND PRATICE!!!! From 2pm to 9pm. That may not seem like a long time but it was...I stay up till like 5 so I would get up at 1...take a shower and rush to get ready. Well I had the weekend off and picked up family Sunday and just slept Saturday. And THEN! More marching band...it's amazing don't get me wrong but I HHHUUURRRTTTT SOOO FREAKING BAD! I limped during marching. We have a 5mile parade on the 4th of July. WHOOPDY DO! That may not sound like a lot...the people that...say "BITCH I WALK THAT MUCH IN MY SLEEP MAN THE FUCK UP!" Well my knees and hips and shoulders feel like poop k? I hurt. And I can't bend my knees. Okay if you never seen a marching band go look it up then think how much time we put into that. Like football and baseball was there for like a hour WE ARE THERE FOR-let me math...2...3...5...8...9 WE ARE THERE FOR 7 HOURS A DAY 5 DAYS A WEEK FOR TWO WEEKS! pain...so anyways my summer is like packed...


okay so now I have more ideas...using band...

Look okay I know your all thinking

"THERE IS ALREADY LIKE 3-4 WHERE MARK IS IN BAND THE BAND DIRECTOR WE DONT NEED MORE!!" I get your anger but before you roll your eyes again...let me say marching band is a lot more exciting then concert band😉 and Mark was in marching soooo fun huh?

Look thing is ya want more stuff from meh berm ER NERT?

So I have ideas and stufffff...I'm working on in my mind...like while marching AND playing I find myself zoning out thinking about him...

like while marching AND playing I find myself zoning out thinking about him

Hoppla! Dieses Bild entspricht nicht unseren inhaltlichen Richtlinien. Um mit dem Veröffentlichen fortfahren zu können, entferne es bitte oder lade ein anderes Bild hoch.

How could you not...?

Like look at that

Hoppla! Dieses Bild entspricht nicht unseren inhaltlichen Richtlinien. Um mit dem Veröffentlichen fortfahren zu können, entferne es bitte oder lade ein anderes Bild hoch.

Like look at that...

BUT ANYWAYS just expect more but don't get your hopes up too high or like think it's gonna come out tomorrow cause like expect them but in like...today's Thursday...SOOO maybe this weekend? Idk and don't get your hopes up they prob won't be good soooo...anyways.

If you read all of that good for you and I'm super proud and very happy you let me waist your time with info you don't care about and that over 90% won't read😄👍🏻

Yeah not really thrilled about that but I'm glad when people comment and we have conversations. I uh need like NEED to know what y'all wanna read...and please comment I love hearing from y'all even if I don't read it right away...

I LOVE YOU ALL SOOO MUCH AND THANK YOU FOR READING THIS if you even actually did...BUT EVEM IF YOU DIDN'T I STILL LOVE YOU AND THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL THE NICE STUFF PLEASE KEEP READING IF YOU LIKE IF NOT-then I guess don't I don't want to make anyone unhappy though...anyways bye...

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