That one guy...

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High school
Marks POV

Math...math...math...fuck math...
To my side there is a beautiful girl who is silent and always wears long sleeves and jackets. Even in the summer she wore them. But not its spring and the weathers a little cooler...but still. Her H/L, H/C is always in her face...we only talked a few times but she seems really nice. I have only like three classes with her but I enjoy her.

She was doodling and she rolled up her sleeves. For the first time. I looked at the drawing then I noticed small, big, shallow, and deep red and light pink cuts on her wrists and up her arms.

F/N cuts...? But I thought she was just a shy person...what would cause her to do this...?

I guess she noticed he staring at her arm because she quickly pulled down her sleeves.

"Hey, F/N...?"

Your POV

Oh god why did you roll up your sleeves?! What is wrong with you?! Oh God please don't ask about the cuts...

"...yes...?" I spoke softly and looked over to Mark.

"What ya drawing?" I was a little shocked that he didn't ask about the cuts.

"...ummm...a cat." I looked down at the drawing and back at him.

"Oh, it looks really good! You know you draw super good...better then anyone I know!" He smiled.

"Really? You really think so?" I thought my drawings were OKAY but I never thought that about them. I always found that one flaw and thought it was messed up because of that.

"Yeah no bout about it!" He turned to me. The bell rang for the next class. "Hey how about we hang out tomorrow?"

"Um...sure...?" I stood up from my desk and started to walk towards the door.

"Hey! F/N, wait up! What's your locker number?" Why is is guy trying so hard to be friends with me?

"671" I whispered. He smiled at me "okay, till the end of school!"

Marks POV

I ran to locker 671 which was on the other side of the school of where I am now. I was panting when I got there. She was closing the locker.

"Oh um...Mark, hey. You okay?" I leaned against the lockers.

"Yeah" *pant* "just out of" *pant* "breath..." *pants*.

"Is your 4th period wellness?" She started walking.

"No my last period is on the other side of the school..." her eyes widened. "I uh ran the whole way..."

"Why?" She looked at me.

"Why what?" I'm highly confused.

"Why did just randomly start to talk to my today? Get my locker and now walk me out of the school?" Why did I? OH YEAH because her scars...

"Because." I took her hands into mine. "You seem like a really cool person, and I want to get to know you more."

For about two weeks this happened. We talked all thought math and in the halls and eating lunch together even when we were walking to our busses. Until one day I decided it was o good time to ask about her scars. We were super close...

"Hey F/N? Can I ask you a question?" I turned to her.

"Ask away." She turned to me.

"So the day I started talking to you, you rolled up your had cuts on your arms...can you tell me what they were from?"

"Is that the only reason you started to talk to me? So you could ask about the scars on my arms?" She whispered. The bell rang. "Why did I think I could have a friend who didn't despise me because of this!" And she rushed out of the room.

Your POV

It's been about a week sense I talked to Mark. He's been bugging me in class and trying to get my attain and talk to me. But I just ignore him. I walk and run past him in the halls and hid from him in the lunch room.

It was raining. I was going home and I heard my name being called by a familiar voice. I started to walk faster.

"HEY!" I heard the pounding of running feet. I kept walking. "STOP TRYING TO AVOID ME!" Suddenly he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back.

"OUCH!!!" I screeched in pain when he tightly grabbed my wrist. He let go. I yanked it back pulling it to my chest holding it.

"I-I didn't mean to hurt you..." I dropped my hands and looked down. "I just don't understand why your not letting me be around you any more!"

"Because most people don't when they find out." He looked at me with a bit of confusion. I looked down at my hands. "I have to go." I started to walk off to my bus.

The next day after school Mark ran after me again wanting answers once again. I started to run down the long sidewalk. He grabbed my hand stopping me from running any more.

"You can't keep avoiding me! You can't just erase me from your life! You can't just PRETEND that we weren't FRIENDS!" He started to shout. "I don't understand why you couldn't tell me about what's going on! I COULD HAVE HELPED!"

"ITS NOT THAT EASY!!" I screamed with tears in my eyes.

"F/ you cut...?" He asked. I staid silent. "F/N do you cut!?" Once again I didn't answer. I just closed my eyes and let the tears drip down my cheeks. "F/N DO YOU CUT?!?!" I started to sob as I gently tugged my arm. He lifted up my sleeve to see what I have been hiding for 5 years now.

"Oh my gosh...F/N..." he looked at each scar each cut each piece of my pain.

"There's more on my other arm..." I told him.

"Why did you do this?" I started to cry harder. He just hugged me tight and I hugged him back. "I promise to never leave your side. I will dedicate everything to help you." He whispered into my ear.

"Thank you Mark...your the best friend anyone could ever have. "

So let me know what you think and thanks for reading as always! You rock harder then the Grand Canyon! Get it cause it's...made of...rock...oh nvm... anyways there will be more!!!! I love you all thanks!!!!!

If your going through something I want you all to please tell someone. Anyone. Your mom and dad. I understand if you can't because money issues or you fear they might get mad or you just aren't ready for it or they are the cause of this, tell a sibling or a friend at school, a teacher anyone really heck tell me!!!! I will help the best of my ability!

Thank you so much and have a great day! Thanks for taking time out of your day to read this! Bye!

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