Chapter 16

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Calum's eyes keep me frozen in place as his arms hold me like they never want to let go. I begin to lean in after I know that I can't hold back anymore.

My lips connect to his for a sweet gentle kiss. We pulled apart after that, looking at each other with smiles.

"Marianna, will you go on a date with me?" He asks tucking some of my hair behind my ear.

"Yes." I smile nodding. He takes my hand in his and gives me a peck on the lips and lifts me up off of his lap. "Where are you going?" I ask.

"I'll be back tonight to pick you up for the party." He says still holding onto my hand.

"I'll be ready." I smile a little dazed from the amount of nervousness building up inside me.

"And perfect." He whispers bending down to give me a short but sweet kiss.

"I'll see you later Cal." I smile waving to him as he walks towards the door.

"See you tonight, love." He grins before leaving out the door, closing it behind him. I collapse onto the couch, not even able to think.

-3 hours later-

"Do you think we got enough light clothes?" Bri asks as we walk out the mall. Michael was back at his flat chatting with Calum.

"Well everything in these bags are light, so you tell me." I smirk.

"Tell me what's going on with Calum first." She smirks back.

"Well what do you want to know?"

"I want to know what happened before I came and picked you up." She says as we reached the car.

"Well Calum wasn't the one with me at that time." I tell her and we put the bags in the backseat of her car.

"Who else was there?" We get in the front and she has full attention on me.

"Luke came over."

"What did he do? Are you okay?" She asks starting the car. I nod and continue.

"He just wanted to apologize. But I denied every apologetic word he said. I refused to believe it." I shook my head as his words clouded in my head. I washed them away with thoughts of Calum. "I don't want to talk about that right now."

"What do you want to talk about then?" She says driving out the parking lot.

"Well, there's a party tonight. Which is why I actually wanted to get new clothes. And Calum asked me on a date a few hours ago and I'm still really nervous."

"Hold on. Let me break this down. You're going to a party tonight?"

"Yeah, Calum invited me." I nod. "Did you want to come?"

"No. And we both know what happens at parties. Remember the first week of highschool?"

"Yes I do. I'm still trying to forget."

"Then why would you want to go through it again?" She turns onto my street.

"I won't drink a lot this time. Maybe 2 or 3 at the max." I shrug.

"You're not even old enough to drink. You're 16."

"Whatever. Just help me pick out an outfit." I say as she pulls into my driveway. I get out the car and get 2 of the bags from the backseat.

"I just might go. To keep an eye on you." She says picking up the other 2 bags.

"Okay mom." I laugh entering the house. We go up to my room and set the bags on my bed.

I pull out a red flannel, some black skinny jeans, and a white singlet shirt that reads 'You can't sit with us' in black letters.

"I like this." I nod smiling.

"These white Vans would go perfect with that." Bri says taking them out of a bag and handing them to me. I walk into my bathroom with the clothes and start changing.

When I finish, I tie the flannel around my waist and walk out.

"I don't think I can wear this." I say pointing to my arms that still have light blue spots scattered on them. "But I look hot though."

"I got make up in the car. Its the good kind." She tells me. I nod. She goes to get it and my phone ring. I walk into the bathroom to answer it.

"Hello?" I ask.

"Hi Anna!" Calum shouts through the phone.

"Oh hey Calum." I smile.

"Are you ready?"

"Well my outfit is but my hair is not so no." I laugh looking into the mirror. I put him on speaker and start styling it.

"This is gonna so fun."

"What kinda party is it anyway?" I ask running my fingers through my hair.

"Well its just like a house party. Full of teens and drinks." He answers.

"Well that doesn't sound fun at all. Drunk teens are dangerous." I laugh. I decide to just put my hair in a ponytail. "Okay my hair is ready. But now my appearance isn't."

"It might not be ready, but its beautiful." He flirts. I blush a little and giggle.

"You can't even see me."

"Do I need to?" He asks. I laugh and Bri walks in.

"I have to go, Bri's back." I tell him.

"Okay. See you in an hour."

"Alright. Bye." I hang

Bri places her make up box on my desk as I exit the bathroom.

"Who were you talking to?" She asks pulling out the shades that blend with my skin tone.

"Calum." I smile.

"You look pretty happy about that." She smirks.

"I am." I say as I walk over to her.

"This doesn't smear so you should be good for the party." She says as she starts applying it to my arms. I never really used make up before I wouldn't know what any of this stuff is.

-Calum POV-

After Marianna hangs up I actually start to get ready myself. I walk into my room to look for some clothes.

"Hey, are you going to that party tonight?" Luke asks barging into my room.

"Yeah, why?" I say still searching for an outfit in my wardrobe. I throw a pair of black jeans onto my bed.

"Are you taking Marianna?" He asks. I hum a 'yes' in reply. "Could you maybe do me a favor?"

"What's the favor?" I unfold a shirt to look at it before tossing it aside.

"Tell her I'm sorry."

"She won't believe me anymore than she'll believe you." His shoulders slouch.

"I just thought she would, seeing that you two are a thing now." He starts to walk out the room.

"We are?" I furrow my eyebrows and he turns back around.

"Missy said she heard Marianna say you were her boyfriend." He tells me. I kind of like the sound of that.

"Sure. I'll tell her." I smile.

"Thanks dude."

-my music isn't working. Which makes me really sad.
-I don't know what to say.
-how are you guys?
-how's your day?
-my day's going pretty well.

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