Chapter 33

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-Luke POV-

"Did you hear about Calum?" I laugh into the phone.

"No, what happened?" Ashton asks over the line.

"He's moving all the way across the country because his mum's scared of me." I chuckle.

"Luke, you shouldn't be proud of that. You're supposed to respect your adults not have them fear you." He lectures me.

"Relax. Besides, that isn't the point. The point is that he's gone. Just like you said, she's broken down and needs someone to lean on. I have a chance, and I'm taking it."

"I'm taking that you need advice?" He guesses.

"Not a lot. There's just one thing."

"Alright, what is it?"

"What do I say?"

"Well, start off easy. Let her know you're not going to hurt her. Then go from there." He tells me.

"Okay, I guess I can do that. When should I go to her?"

"When you feel its right."

"When I ask you a question, I expect you to make the decision."

"Well, its a choice for you to decide."

"Whatever. I gotta go." I huff.

"See ya." He says before hanging up.

-Marianna POV-

I watch as he walks into his gate. I turn around and face the other direction so that I could calm myself.

I take a deep sigh before walking out the airport. I decide to catch the bus instead of walking home. I stand at the bus stop with three other people and wait for the bus.

I realize I look sadder than I thought when a guy asks if I'm alright.

"Hey, um. Are you okay?" I don't look at him.

"Not really." I say quietly.

"You look really wrecked, maybe a cup of coffee would make your day?" I glare up at him, a small sympathetic smile on his face. He looks young. Maybe 18 or 19.

"I'm alright, I just dropped off my boyfriend. I just need to take a nap." I shrug wiping my wet cheeks. The bus pulls up in front of us. Everyone standing near me gets on.

I sit down in a random seat and stare out the window. But then I feel a shift next to me and I realize that the guy is sitting there.

"My name is Matt by the way. Um, what's yours?"

"Marianna." I answer, my eyes focused on the trees we past.

"I've never heard that name before. It's really unique."

"I know."

"So, what do you do?"

"I go to school." I glance over at him.

"Me too. I'm graduating highschool in a few months." He tells me.

"Must be nice."

"So, would you like to grab a cup of coffee with me?"

"I think I might pass. I just need to get home." I sigh.

"Here, just take my number." He takes a piece of paper out of his pocket and writes on it with a pen. "Just in case you change your mine." He smiles handing it to me.

"Thanks." I put on a fake smile. I really didn't want his number, but I also really didn't want to hurt his feelings.

The bus stops and he stands up, stepping into the aisle and off of the bus. I spend the rest of the ride in silence, just begging I'd get home before some other random person decided to talk to me.

The bus stops at the sign at the beginning of my street and I get off. I start the walk to my house as the bus drives off.

"Marianna! I need to talk to you!" I hear someone yell behind me. I look back to see Luke running to me. I start to run. The last thing I need is to be bullied in this state. When I get to my house, I quickly take the my key out of my pocket and put in the door, stepping inside and locking it behind me. I'm safe here.

I put my stuff down and start to walk around the house, on the search for Michael. When I walk in the kitchen, I find a note on a steaming microwave.

Hey Mari, sorry about your microwave. I forgot that putting foil in the microwave made it blow up. But hey, my pizza's hot. I'll buy you a new one, promise. -Mikey

Just my luck.

"Anna, I need to talk to you." I hear Luke at the door. I cringe at the name only my friends and family call me.

Where's my parents? I haven't seen them in days. I would call up Michael and ask him but, I'd rather not. There's no getting out this house without him seeing so I'm stuck here.

"Please open the door."

"What do you want?" I yell at him.

"I just want to talk to you." He tells me.

"You can talk to me through the door." I stand on the other side.

"It's not the same." I hear him whisper. I sigh before cracking the door.

"You have three seconds to tell me why you're here before I call the cops."

"I need more time than that to explain why I'm here."

"How do I know I can trust you?"

"Because I won't hurt you. I'm done hurting you. You can trust me. I promise."

"But how do I know you're not lying?"

"Let me in and I'll show you." I bite my lip in nervousness before opening the door enough to let him through.

I was brought into a insanely tight hug. 'Oh my god' was being chanted in my head.

"I'm sorry, that's the only way I could think of." He says scratching the back of his neck after letting go of me. The chants become more intense after he apologized for hugging me. "Are you alright?" He furrows his eyebrows.

"I am fine." I say more to myself than to him. He didn't hurt me.

I'm okay.

-Hey there guys
-I was gonna write more but broken home came on and I got emotional.
-so yeah.
-shout out to all the candy canes out there
-see you guys in the next chapter

PS. I don't even know what this was

Bullied by Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now