Chapter 32

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-Calum POV-

"You're taking too long, let's go. We're gonna miss the movie." Anna pulls me out the door by my arm. "We're walking and the theater's 30 minutes away." She tells me.

"Sorry, I was scared. Michael has never been so intimidating." I chuckle scratching the back of my head.

"I honestly think that he's trying too hard to be a good brother to see that you were his friend once." She shrugs.

"Well Michael's never had any siblings before, I can see how he would want to protect his first and only sister the most."

"Yeah, I sometimes feel the need to protect Michael too. I already fight Luke every time he bullies me but doing it for Michael would only bring more determination." She shrugs her shoulders. My eyes widen.

"You fight Luke? How are you not dead?"

"Well, once you fight a person enough times, you start to remember their moves. I just use them against him. Most of the time I loose but hey, if you don't put up a fight, then you're not trying to win." She smiles. I laugh.

"When will you be going back to school?" I put my hands in my pockets.

"Tomorrow, I guess." She looks down at the sidewalk.

"Now I feel even worse about leaving, I'll be leaving you alone." I sigh.

"I won't be alone, I'll have Michael. That pogo stick won't touch me anyway, I'm a fighter." She giggles the last part.

"I can tell that you fight to the end if you have to, wouldn't you?"

"I've been fighting Luke everyday for about three years, the end doesn't seem like a problem." She smirks.

"Jesus, you are a fighter." I chuckle. "That's kinda hot."

"Don't start with that, we're going see a movie and that's it." She points her finger at me.

"I know, I know." I smirk. "It will forever be a dream."

"Maybe not forever, but keep dreaming." She pats my shoulder, making me laugh. "We're here. What do want to see?"

"I don't know any of the movies on there, you pick."

"Um, Ride Along 2." She shrugs. She orders the tickets and we go inside to get food and snacks.

"It smells so good in here." I smell the air.

"Have you never smelled a lot of butter and popcorn before?"

"It's been while. Like a long while." I smile.

"Well you should go get us some seats, I'll get the food." She tells me. "Just go down that hall and enter the door that says Ride Along 2 on it, find good seats." She points to the right.

"Alright." I nod. I've never been to an American cinema before but I'm sure they can't be that different. I walk down a long hallway, looking at the animated signs hanging over the doors, projecting the many movies showing today.

I follow the directions Anna told me and enter the theater. I pick some seats that are a few rows from the top and far from the bottom, they're some where near the center of the row.

I wait as the previews come and go. I see Anna enter and I wave to her. She sees me and laughs as she walks up the stairs to where I sit. She takes I seat next to me, passing the popcorn and a drink to me.

-2 hours later-

"Anna." I whisper to her. She sits with her head on my shoulder and my arm around her as we watch the movie.

"Hm?" She hums peaking up at me.

"I have to go. My flight leaves in 45 minutes." I sigh.

"Why so soon? I was starting to think you'd miss it on purpose." She frowns.

"I would but I can't disobey my mum. She knows whats best for me and even if I don't agree, i still trust every decision she makes. I would absolutely love to stay here and continue my days with you, but my sister's waiting for me." It takes every thing in me to push those words out my mouth.

"I understand. Let's just go." She picks up her things and starts to walk. "Get this over with." She whispers to herself.

-30 minutes later-

Anna brings me into a hug after my flight was called over the speaker.

"Goodbye Calum." She whispers as a single tear streams down her cheek.

"Don't say goodbye. Say, 'I'll see you at 7'." I smile. The thought of leaving everything I've grown used to makes my own eyes brim with tears. I hold them back and eventually, they go away.

"Why?" She asks, looking up at me.

"I'll explain when I get back. I have to go, but for now. I'll see you 7." I place a kiss on her temple and bring her into one last hug before taking my luggage in my hand and walking to my gate.

I don't look back at her because if I did, I knew I would cry. I would lose my cool and control of myself. I'd rather just get this year over with so that I can get back here for good.

Luke was just drunk. It wasn't personal, he couldn't control his actions. Mum's afraid he'll do it again and I'll get hurt badly. But he wouldn't do it again, would he? He wouldn't hurt his best friend.

-hey guys
-not really in the mood for the a/n right now
-but I thought I'd just post this
-so here it is
-hope you enjoyed
-see you guys later

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