Chapter 23

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I wake up after hearing gurgling. I eyes shoot open when I remember that Calum supposed to be sleeping this his mouth open so that he could breath.

I quickly stand up and open his mouth and the gurgling stops. When I sit back down, it starts again. I sigh and stand again.

I hold his mouth open until I find something that will keep it open. I pull a Bobby pin out my hair and wipe it on my shirt to remove any remains of my hair on it. I position it to where it will keep his mouth open no matter how many times he tosses and turns. Once it's finally sturdy, I sit back in the chair and start to go back to sleep.


"Hey, wake up." Calum shakes me.

"I don't want to." I snuggle more into the chair.

"You have to get to school." He says.

"I'm not going." I tell him.

"You're missing school to stay here with me?" He points at himself.

"If that's how you want to think it then sure." I chuckle stretching. "You wanna get out of here?"

"Yeah." He nods. "Is this yours?" He holds my Bobby pin in his hand.

"Yep." I smile taking it back and putting it in it's previous place in my hair. "You're welcome by the way."

"What did you do?"

"I saved you last night. You were about to die because you couldn't breath. And I used my nifty hair accessories to keep your mouth open." I smile proudly.

"I feel like a helpless child and you're like my irresponsible aunt." He laughs.

"Who are you calling irresponsible? You would still be on the floor of that party if it wasn't for me. You would still be trying to wipe away the blood from your broken nose with your thin shirt." I picked at the collar of his shirt.

"I thanked you for that." He smiles.

"I know you did." I nod. "I'm gonna go sign you out." I say before leaving the room. I walk down the hall and down a couple floors to the main lobby.

"I'm here to sign out Calum Hood." I tell the desk lady. I've never had to sign out anyone before so I pretty much winged it.

"Friend, family, or spouse?" She asks after entering some things into the computer in front of her.

"Friend." She picked up the phone.

"Can we get a nurse to room 302. The patient has been signed out." She says into the phone. She then hangs up the phone and types things in the computer.

"You can wait over there." She points to a lounge area to my left without looking up. I walk over there and sit on one of the couches. I hate these fake leather couches, I can't even sit still without slipping and sliding everywhere.

I don't have to sit on the uncomfortable cushions for long before the elevator doors open and Calum gets pushed out in a wheelchair. I give him a confused look.

"I told her I could walk but she insisted." Calum shrugged after seeing my face.

"It's hospital policy." The nurse behind him said. When we reach the doors, Calum is told to get out of the wheelchair.

"You wheel me out my room, down the hall, and out the elevator but you won't wheel me out the door?" He complains.

"Stop being so dependent and just go already." I push him ahead and through the door.

"They gave me this." He pulls out a box of breathing strips he can put on his nose. "They said that if my nose doesn't heal in time, I can still be a nose breather." He tells me.

"Neither one of us took a car here and the walk is too far. How do we get back?" I ask looking around.

"I'll call Ashton. He doesn't go to school." He smiles pulling out his phone. "Hey, Ashton." Calum's voice was higher than before and I little hard to understand. "It's Calum." He continues the conversation. "Here take this phone. He can't understand me."

"Hello, Ashton?" I ask putting his phone up to my ear.

"Oh hey Bri. How's it going?"

"PICK US UP FROM THE HOSPITAL." I shout into the phone before hanging up. "He said he's on his way." I smile at Calum handing him his phone back.

"You're scary." He laughs.

"I get that a lot." I nod.

-hey there
-I know the chapters are short but...
-I don't even know what to do.
-I can't celebrate by myself in the dark like I did when I reached 500 because my mom's here and it's 11:40pm
-so I'm just gonna say a single thank you.
-this one thank you goes to every person that has ever even read a single word of this book.
-you have no idea how accomplished I feel
-put 'brick' in your comment if you like the book so far
-see you guys later
-love ya

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