Chapter 49

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How dare he lie like that. Say he's going to the bathroom then ends up locking lips with some hoochie.

"Can I get another one?" I slur at the bartender.

"I think you've had enough..." His voice trails off.

"I'll tell you when I've had eh fucking nough, sir." I kinda shout. He refills my shot glass at the realization that I can get violent.

My eyes land on them again, both of the blondes enjoying every moment of that kiss. I scoff at their movements and turn back to the bartender.

"I need a thousand more."

"How exactly will you be paying for this?" He asks filling my glass.

"Put it all on HIS tab." I yell pointing aggressively at Luke. Then I feel myself getting pulled away. "Hey, let go of me." I try and wiggle free.

"Excuse my friend, she's just a little heartbroken." A voice chuckles.

"Who the hell are you?" I stand myself up so that I'm no longer being dragged away by a stranger. I turn around to face them, almost falling. Calum stands in front of me.

"Hi." He says.

"What do you want?" I ask still pissed off at Luke.

"You need to go home. You're drunk and you have a son to take care of." He picks me up bridal style.

"Put me down!" I yell. He sits me in the car and buckles my seatbelt. My drunken mind is unable to comprehend why I can't move anymore. He gets in the other side of the car before we leave. "Are you spider man?"

-Calum POV-

"No." I giggle.

"What is this invisible thing holding me down?"

"You mean the seatbelt?"

"Oh." She giggles. "Ya know, I miss you Calum."

"Please don't, love." I sigh. The last thing I want is to see the memory replayed in my head.

"I miss your kisses." She whispers sinking into the seat. I don't respond, her house isn't that far from where we are now. "Will you kiss me like we're in highschool again?" She pouts.

"No." I shake my head. We pull up to her house. "Do you have your key?"

"I don't know." She laughs. How are we supposed to get inside if we don't have a key. "Ask Sarah, she'll let you in." She drags out the 'ah'.

"Who's Sarah?"

"Logan's babysitter." She sighs. I get out the car and walk to the front door. I knock a couple times.

"Hi?" A teenage girl answers the door.

"Um, just a second." I jog back to the car and pick Anna up bridal style. I then walk inside after Sarah held the door open.

I walk upstairs to a room that looks like it could be hers and sets her down in the bed. She rolls off the bed with a confused look on her face.

"Why did you do that?" She asks

"Do what?" I giggle.

"You pushed me off the bed."

"I didn't do that. You just rolled off." I pick her back up and put her on the bed. She starts crying. "Why are you crying?"

"How could he do that to me?" She sobs.


"Luke. He needs to be here taking care of his child but instead-"

"Wait what?"

"He decided to swap spit with that tramp."

"Did you say his child?"

"Didn't you know?" She wipes her tears.

"Why won't you tell Luke?"

"I don't know how he could react to having a kid." She sighs. "He was horrible in highschool."


"Promise you won't tell him, he can't know."

"I promise." I was hesitant to say it, but she doesn't know that she just told me a huge secret. She just told me that Luke is the father of her son.

-I know this is short
-but hey, here it is
-you know, I really like he sound of a keyboard
-like a computer one, its really satisfying.
-thought you would like o know that
-well I'm gonna go now
-see you guys later

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