Chapter 52

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"What do you want?" I cross my arms.

"What did I do?"

"You did everything." I respond.

"I'm sorry?"

"How could you? I trusted you. And you just threw down that girls throat, along with your tongue."

"I swear, I didn't try to. Missy kissed me-"

"Missy? I thought she moved."

"Me too. I wouldn't have went to that club if I knew that was gonna happen. I'm really sorry, Marianna." He apologizes.

"Okay Luke. I accept your apology." I sigh. He brings me into a tight hug.

"I'm so glad you did because I had a question for you." He scratches the back of his neck.

"What's the question?"

"Would you like to go on a date..with me?" He asks hesitantly.

"I can't go anywhere right now, but you can hang out here if you want." I tell him.

"Okay, I can do that." He smiles walking inside. I close the door and follow him to where the kids are. "I used to play with legos all the time when I was younger." He says sitting criss cross with them.

"Luke!" Logan jumps up, hugging Luke tightly making him almost fall back.

"Hey little guy, can we play legos with you guys?" He asks. Both Logan and Maddy nod. "Who's this adorable little miss?" He asks referring to Maddy.

"That's my sister, Madelyn." I smile.

"She's the cutest." He says, mostly to her.

"Hey." Logan crosses his arms with a huff.

"Along with little Logan, of course." He adds. He nods, satisfied.

"You're really good with kids." I tell Luke.

"I am one at heart." He responds with a smirk. I feel like I should tell him. But it's too soon. I'll wait, a week at the most.

-2 hours later-

After the pizza finally arrived and everyone had ate, we were just getting ready for bed. I put Logan and Maddy in my bed so that the would have a more comfortable sleep then sharing Logan's twin size.

I walk back downstairs to pick up their legos to see that Luke's already started. Bri was already up in her bed, leaving us two the only ones awake.

"Thanks." He smiles after seeing me walk towards him.

"For what?" I ask.

"For giving me another chance. I won't mess up this time, I promise." He assures me, picking up the box of legos.

"I hope you keep that." I sigh walking to the couch and taking a seat on it.

"Why do you say that?" He sits next to me, the legos now put in the closet.

"No reason, I just think you should keep it." I yawn.

"Fair reason." He chuckles. "Could I spend the night here?"

"It didn't look like you were going home." I joke.

"I was hoping I didn't have to." He whispers throwing an arm around me.

"I-" I stop when I hear the pattering of small feet. Then I see Logan climb onto our laps. Then he yawns before falling asleep there.

"So who's the father of this little guy? He should congratulated." He chuckles. I freeze up and my eyes go wide. I look around, not knowing what to say.

"I uh don't remember. He left a while back." I lie, still kinda telling the truth.

"Oh. How could he leave a family like this?"

"That's what I said."

"I'm sorry. Two people leaving you at the same time must have been awful."

"Yeah it was." I lie.

"But I'm coming back, and I plan on staying." He tells me making a smile grow on my face. "Did you dress him like that?"

"Bri did. But I thought it was really cute."

"Kinda looks like the type of stuff I would wear." He chuckles. That was kinda the point. "He should get my quiff, it would fit him."

"Maybe is his hair grew out a little." I take Logan's beanie off and pull all his hair to the front.

"He's got the right amount for it. And a silky smooth hair texture." He giggles after styling a small little quiff on Logan's head.

"Looks good on him." I nod.

"I told you he would fit it. He looks great." Luke smiles.

"Just wait until he wakes up, he's always wanted to look like his dad." I freeze up as soon as finish the word.

"Did you say dad?"

"No. I said mad. When he wakes up, hopefully he isn't mad." I lie.

"You said dad." He holds a straight face. "I'm his dad, aren't I?"

"What time is it? Time for you to leave, that's what time. See you later." I set Logan down somewhere else and help him up. I try to push him towards the door.

"I'm not going anywhere until I have answer." He towers over me.

"Get comfortable, I'll get you a drink." I say walking towards the kitchen. He grabs my wrist and pulls me back to him.

"You're not going anywhere either." He says briskly. I gulp loudly as my heart beats louder in my chest.


-what's up guys!
-different kinda of a/n today because I'm hella excited.
-I know, I know. Hella belongs in 2013 but hey
-let's bring it back!
-key word in the comments
-no matter how many time spellcheck says its not a word, don't listen
-its a word to us, spell it how know
-anyway, I'll see all you rebellious sock monkeys in the next chapter
-see ya

Bullied by Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now