Chapter 39

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Am I already sleep? My eyes are closed. I don't think I am. I can still hear her snoring. I wonder if Calum knows if I'm like this. The last thing I remember before showing up here is sending a text to Calum.

My head hurts so bad. How do I eat and stuff? There's probably like a tube for that. It would be cool to be a doctor. To know all these words that other people can't even pronounce. I might apply for medical school when I wake up. If I wake up.

-Marianna POV-

This has been a very traumatic experience. Having my brother go into a coma with my boyfriend leaving the state and making out with my bully all in the same day. I sound like a really bad person. I am one.

I get in a couple hours of sleep before my phone buzzes in my pocket. I glare at the bright screen, attempting to read the text on it.

B: Are you coming back down here?
M: you can go home, I think I'm gonna stay up here
B: okay, send my love
M: of course

I put my phone back into my pocket and try to go back to sleep but it doesn't work. There was no possible way of me getting back to sleep with all of this going on and my thoughts only making it worst. I need to tell someone.

"Michael, if you can hear this. You should know that I did something before I came here." I start. "You're gonna be really mad when you wake up. But I am an unfaithful person. I didn't even plan on doing it. It just happened. Don't tell Calum but, I kissed Luke." I inch out every word one by one. He look over at him, nothing's changed. "I need to get this off of my chest. I don't regret it. I don't really know. I feel confused." I say. "I wish you were awake. Some of your advice would be really helpful right now." I sigh.

I wait for anything. Any kind of indication that he was listening. A single sigh would even let me know. But I wait for minutes and nothing happens. At least I know that he's still in there.

"I don't know if you can sleep but I can't either. I got a couple hours but that's pretty much it. I don't know what to feel right now. So many things have happened today. I just want you better, so you can yell at me and tell me I'm a terrible person then give me a hug after." I admit. I let a sigh escape my lips.

"It's starting to feel like I'm talking to myself." I chuckle dryly. I look over at him, a small gap between his lips. Oh my gosh, he moved. I run to his side. "Michael, your mouth opened. Can you speak?" I ask begging for an answer. Nothing comes but short breaths. Then I hear the beeping of the monitor increasing. I should call a nurse in here. I run down the hallway making sure I don't fall. "Ma'am, my brother. He's in a coma and he moved." I breath out to the first nurse I see.

"Relax hun." She tries to calm me. "Take me to his room and we'll have a look." I lead her back down the hall to Michael's door and and open it.

"I swear he moved!" I say. She walks up to him and checks his monitor along with all of the tubes hooked up to him. His arm must have moved while I was gone because it was not hanging over the side of the bed when I left. The nurse picks up his arm and places on the bed.

"You said he was in a coma?" She asks.

"Yes. He is. He just went into it yesterday." I tell her.

"Well, I could stay in here and watch him while you get some sleep-" She suggests.

"I don't need sleep. I need my brother. I saw him move and I want to know if he's waking up." I say.

"Miss, we can't determine a movement like this that fast. This takes time, and a lot of it." She explains.

"I just need to know. Does any of the doctors have any kind of predictions on how long he'll be in a coma or something? Please tell me." I plead, tears threaten to build up over my eyes.

"I don't know what to tell you. We don't have anything on him."

"What kind of hospital is this? You don't have anything on any of your patients?" I declare throwing my arms up then dropping them.

"With all do respect, he just got here. He'll wake up when he feels ready to."

"Are you sure that you have absolutely nothing on him?" I glare over at him as I mention the subject. He lies motionless on the bed.

"I can go down to the main desk and check, but as of now, I'm pretty sure we don't."

"Please go check." I say.

"Would you like to come along?"

"No thank you." I shake my head as I inch closer to Michael. She nods and leaves the room. I walk a little closer to him and and take his hand in mine. "Michael, now is the time to tell me if you're hiding anything. Anything that you don't want the the nurse to tell me?" I suggest. He doesn't say anything. "Anything at all that you don't want me to know?" I wait for an answer. The room sits in silence once again. "I guess I'll see what she brings in." I mumble.

I sit back down on the corner of his bed and hold his hand close to me.

"I saw you move. You opened your mouth. You were gonna yell at me weren't you?" I chuckle. "I wouldn't mind if you cursed me out. You could punch me in the face and I would just be thankful you were alive." I whisper. I hear knocks on the door before the nurse reenters.

"Turns out that we do have something on him." She holds a folder in her hand with a clipboard over it.


"When I tell you this information, allow me to remind you that you do not have the right to sue the hospital." She says.

"Is it that bad?"

"I'm just reminding you. It's policy." She tells me.

"Okay. So what do you have on Michael?" She hands me the folder and I hesitantly open it. The first thing I see is Harm to self. "Oh my gosh." I flip through the pages to see at least three more of those papers. I stop to read a page that says Attempted suicide. "Michael, no." I gasp putting a hand over my mouth. He's been in here for police charges and everything. I quickly close the folder before I see anything that would really be devastating.

"Would you like me to take it back?" The nurse asks.

"No." I whisper shaking my head. "Could I please have a moment alone?"

"Of course." She nods and leaves. I turn to Michael.


-Michael POV-Trigger Warning-

No. I didn't want her to find out this way. I didn't want her to find out at all. I don't know how to explain why I did it. I was a hormonal teenager that was getting bullied everyday and I didn't know how to handle it.

I had pain and anger and the only thing I could think of was letting it out through blood. I threw the blade away a long time ago but I still remember the moments I used it.

It had gotten too much for me at one point and I just did it. I went out, bought a bunch of sleeping pills, and said my goodbyes. Luckily, it didn't work. Just when they were taking affect, I vomited them up. I was taken to the hospital by my dad that time and before for cutting deep into a vain.

I never wanted her to find out about that. This is gonna ruin everything.

-this happened
-hope that didn't trigger anyone
-hope everyone's safe and sound where ever they are
-I'm gonna go
-hoped you enjoyed the chapter
-bye guys

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