Chapter 56

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"I did it, guys." I collapse onto the couch.

"You did?" Calum asks walking into the room.

"I didn't think you were gonna actually do it." Ashton chuckles.

"I kissed her. My lips feel tingly." I sigh.

"Oh." Calum walks away.

"I think that's great, man. I'm glad this worked out for you." Ashton smiles. If he didn't live with us, Calum would have beaten my ass by now.

"Thanks Ash. I have a giant weight on my chest now, though."


"I want to tell her how I feel. But I can't. The time isn't right." I tell him.

"I think the date was a success, you could have told her how you felt."

"I know, I missed my shot."

"You'll get it one day, Luke." He pats my shoulder and gets up before walking away.

-Marianna POV-

I take off my heels and walk with them in my hands.

"Mommy!" Logan calls to me.

"Baby, why are you still up?"

"I wanted to fall asleep with you." He smiles.

"Come on." I carry him upstairs and into my bedroom where I set him down on my bed. I put my heels down and get some pjs before going into the bathroom, closing the door. Luke's blazer is still hung over my shoulders, his cologne fills my nose. I sigh in satisfaction as I take it off. My dress also has a hint of his smell.

I remove that and put on my pajama pants with a random t-shirt. I take the clips out of my hair and put it into a high ponytail. I quickly wash off all of my make up before picking up the dress and blazer. I fold them over a chair and walk to my bed where I slide in next to Logan. He turns around to face me.

"Did you have a good day, mommy?" He whispers to me, knowing that Bri is asleep in her room and hates to be woken up.

"Yes I did Logan. I missed you though." I chuckle squeezing his cheek. He giggles loudly. "Shh." I put a finger up to my lips to quiet him, he mimics my actions.

"We're you with Daddy?" He asks.

"Mhm." I nod. "He missed you too." I run a hand through his matted locks. A smile grows on his face. "Go to bed, baby." I whisper. He snuggles more into the cover.

"Goodnight mommy. I love you." He yawns before finally slipping off too sleep. I kiss his forehead then follow behind.


I wake up to Bri whispering. Then there's a change in pressure on my bed and I hear little feet scurry away. I decide to sleep in a little longer, knowing that he's safe with Bri.


I swing my legs over the side of the bed and stretch my arms out before going downstairs.

"Morning, sleepyhead." Bri greets as she puts pancakes onto plates.

"Morning." I rub my eyes.

"I've been waiting all night for you to tell me how the date went." She smiles handing me my breakfast fast.

"It felt like the most magical night of my life." I gush.

"What did you guys do?"

"When he picked me up, Ashton was driving us around. And then we pull up to this amazing restaurant. It looked so expensive and the food was great. Then-"

"How much did it cost?" She asked taking a bite of her breakfast.

"I don't know, he wouldn't tell me. But he paid a a lot of money at the end. Anyway, we walked to a park nearby and danced in the parking lot to Ed Sheehan."

"Oh my god, did you kiss?" She asks getting really close to me. I bite my bottom lip and nod. "So when are you breaking up with Matt?"

"I don't know. I don't want to have to break up with him but being with Luke feels right."

"I'll go with you if it'll make it easier."

"Alright. I guess I'll go tomorrow then."

"I feel like today should be a best friends day for us. We've been growing distant lately."

"That sounds cool." I smile. "Can I trust Luke to watch Logan though?"

"I'm sure you can. He'll do what it takes to keep this kiddo safe." She ruffles his hair. Logan gasps before trying to fix it into the quiff his dad made. His hair ended up looking like Mikey's instead. That reminds me, I should go visit Michael. He's probably ready to be signed out.

"I'll get Logan ready after breakfast then." I tell her. We conversate throughout the rest of that hour, all of us ending up with empty plates. "Come on, Logan." I pick him up as Bri puts the plates in the sink. I Carey him up stairs to his room. The bags of clothes that Luke got him sit in the corner.

I look through them and end up dressing him in black skinny jeans, a black singlet, and some all black converses. I leave him to pick out what snapback he wants to wear from the many Luke bought him and head to my room to get dressed. I quickly change into some black leggings and a red sweater that hands over the shoulder. I add some red vans and redo my pony tail. I brush my teeth after realizing I didn't do that yet before applying just some black eyeliner and red lipstick. Logan runs into my room with a black and blue snap back.

"I like this one." He holds it up. I kneel down and style his hair a little how Luke wears his before putting the hat on backwards.

"You're gonna hang with your dad today, Logan." I smile.

"I am?" His eyes light up.

"Yep." I pick him up and carry him downstairs.

"Can I hang with uncle Mikey too?" He asks as I put a jacket on him.

"Not yet, you can later though."

"How much later?"

"Just..later." I chuckle walking to my car with him. I strap him into his car seat before running inside to get his things. I get his tiny book bag that has an extra pair of clothes, his travel bunny, his inhaler, and many other essentials. I walk back outside and put his stuff next to him in the backseat.

"Can I call him daddy yet?" He asks as I get in the drivers seat.

"Yes you can." I start the car and pull out of the driveway, starting the drive to Luke's place.

-hey guys
-I've been feeling pretty bored lately
-but I've got news
-it's both good and bad news.

-this book is ending soon.
-(let that sink in for a minute)

-I have decided to do a sequel
-I'm not promising it will be as long as this one
-I'll leave this a/n off on that note
-see you guys in the next chapter

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