Meet Alex

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Hey all my readers met the second book of the Wolf and the werewolf prince series XD Yep you heard right it's a series, I already have all the other book planned out just a matter of writing them since now I have this one and the first book to finish but I need a challenge XD


Alex pov:

My name is Alex runes, I'm twenty six years old and have two brothers names Rin and Sage. My brothers hated me most of my life because of a wizard who screwed mine and their lives up, they know that I never hurt them but their still tense around me and I can't blame them.

I sigh as I snuggled into my soft feathery bed still amazed after years of sleeping a steel cage something was this soft. It's not my really my bed, but my mate says I can have it even though it's not mine like everything else he says is mine cause I know they belong to him not me.

"Al you awake?" I hear my mate call out. My mates name is Rick Moonfog and I think love him, I don't know if I can truly love him after the hell I've been through in my life.

I get up with whine of complaint and walk out of the room to see him looking around for me. He spots me quick and comes over with a happy grin, but I see the worry in his eyes and I know it's caused by the thought that I might have left the home without permission.

Because of how bad the wizard hurt my brothers while using my face I'm not allowed out unless Rick or Black know about it and even than I have to be watched all the time by someone they both trust which is always the guard Jay or my other brother who just recently went away to Australia with mate who's an Alpha.

"Hey how was your day?" Rick asks me snapping me from my thoughts only to look up and see his face slightly guarded. I bet he doesn't know I can see right through him and know he's only asking these question to see if I did anything I'm not suppose to be doing like going outside.

*It was fine* I sign oh yeah I probably forgot to say this but I'm mute I don't talk at all and truthfully I don't have anything to say to these people, but mostly I stopped using my voice as it never made him stop hurting me.

"That's good, I got to boring old guard stuff." Rick says pissing me off. I know I'm not held in high regard here even after it was found out it was wizard using my face but I know he didn't do boring guard stuff. He did something with Alex and the others who I'm not allowed to be near without an escort/guard.

I shrug pissed and turn away to go to my room where at least there nothing will lie to my face. There I can just be mute and do what I want which just sit by a window and watch the gardens. Sometime I see Sage,Black, and the twins who I've never met even though I'm one of their uncles.

"Alex come back here." Rick says going all dominant on me, yeah my mate is into bondage which why he hasn't marked me yet, I can't handle being restrained because how abused I was.

I turn back to look at him and I guess he sees I'm in a mood. He sighs and walks over and hugs me making me stiffen on instinct, any time I was touched by another it was never good and I have the scars to prove it too.

"Alex I'm trying to help you but I can't if you don't try to make an effort." he says into my hair and I feel tears prick my eyes but they don't fall as I learned to stop crying when I was nine as it gave my tormenter pleasure.

If you were trying to help you wouldn't lie to me you bastard, you're only better by him by a few feet as you don't torture me for fun. Oh no you every other jackass in this castle decide it's better to keep me isolated. I think in rage as I try not to punch my mate.

I was tortured by an evil Wizard since I was seven. I remember giving myself to him to save Sage before my first shift, I wanted to save my brothers but it didn't work. The wizard took my form and helped my dad beat both of them,now they're both wary around me..and I hate it.

Rick must sense what I'm feeling cause he he hugs me a bit tighter to show his strength before letting me go and huffing a bit in anger at how supposedly unreasonable I'm being. I'd like to see him handle how being isolated from other like I'm being.

"It's ok Al, he can't hurt you anymore and I'm sure Ray and Sage will forgiven you." He says happily and I just blink. He got it wrong the stupid idiot, he's suppose to be my mate and he can't even tell how pissed I am at him and the other people in this castle.

With a sigh I turn and head into my room,closing the door in his face and locking it. I hear him shouting and banging on the door telling me to let him in but I ignore him and go to my perch on the window, looking out my barred window I look at the gardens and see Sage and his twins playing together.

Why can't I have that? I think sadly watching them Oh yeah..It's because I'm worthless, even after finding out the truth they hate me. I huff at my own thoughts as I rest my head on the cool window

No one loves me,I'm nothing. 


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