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Wahaha two updates in one day I am on FIRE~~~~~~


Sebastian pov:

My mate is so cute, he has elbow length long dark brown hair,pale skin which bears marks of abuse,and big baby blue eyes that have seen too much evil in this world. His lips are soft and I couldn't resist kissing him as he looked up with big hope filled eyes when I touched him and called him my wolf which he is.

"Come on mon loup, let's see if that wolf of yours is alive~" I purr and back away from him even though I don't want to only be rewarded with a small whine of protest from my cute little mate. "I know bébé but later~" I say smoothly and watch him shiver whimpering.

His thoughts are very chaotic,but I can feel his need for me and his very desperate need to feel safe and loved by someone. I can see his memories as well and his last mate better be lucky he's dead or I'd murder his ass for hurting my little mate, but I also see how much pain he's endured by others hands.

Smiling I take bend and pick up making him squeak in surprise and wrap his arms around me neck and I see all the scars in his arms seeing the story of how he got each and every single one of them.

"It's okay mon loup I just want to hold." I whisper into his ear feeling in satisfaction his shiver. Walking to one of the couches I sit down with him between my legs "Your wolf is there,he's just very weak." I say feeling his wolf react with happiness to my touch towards him.

"Really?! I thought he was dead after..." my mate starts saying before he stops but I see them,the images of his horrific past which make my blood boil but right now my mate needs my love not my anger at what he couldn't control.

"Look at me mon loup." I say using my finger to tilt his head back so he's looking at me with his haunted eyes He's gonna leave me..I'm so stupid. He thinks making me start a bit. "I will never leave you,understand?" I ask in a small growl as he grip his chin to keep him from looking away from me "I've waited a very very long time for you, you are my mon coeur and mon âme. I can not live without you are mon précieux to me." (mon précieux means my precious in French)I say lovingly and I watch his eyes water before he bursts into tears.

Startled I shift him so he's curled up in my arms sobbing his heart out and I see just how broken my little mate is. He's been putting on a brave face pretending to be fine when really he's broken and lost.

"Shhh it's okay mon loup I accept you for your all your faults from you scars to you mental damage. I will help put you back together mon précieux you are my everything and I do not mind being your rock." I sooth rubbing his back as he clings to me like I'm his last hope which I am.

"T-thank y-you." He cries as I nuzzle his head. He's shaking badly as his brother enters seeing what's happening and glaring at me thinking I hurt his brother,which based on what I've seen from my mates memories this brat did very little to bond with my mate even when they found out the truth and was find isolating which resulted in all damage.

"I suggest you stop glaring at me, you may be my mates brother but I will not tolerate it puppy. I've longer and have more power than that king mate of yours." I growl as my mate sniffles. The kid has the brains to stop glaring and leave the room.

Sighing I get up with my mate in my arms knowing his family will be in here soon questioning me. "What are you?" My little mate asked sleepily,his crying wearing him out with how skinny he and weak he is.

"I'm an Atlantean, mon loup. I have lived in this planet since the beginning of Greece." I whisper as he drifts off into what would be a nightmare filled slumber but I lightly push his nightmares away and let him dream some of my memories of swimming in the sea.

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