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Love the votes and comments :) The plot is coming together so well now, hope you all enjoy this new chapter.



A woman with bright long silver hair sits on the edge of a large water fountain running her fingers through the clear untainted water. Her skin is a lovely cream color,pale yet not to pale and her fingers are feminine and long with perfect manicured nails,her eyes sparkling the color of the purest amber,so light and golden.

She hums to herself as two large golden furred wolves sit at her feet,both lazily relaxing as she runs her free hand through the fur of the young silver furred wolf pup in her lap. The water turned to a slight moon colored glow as she sees an image of a male.

"What do you think Sol,should we pay them a visit?" She asks the young wolf in her lap making it look at her with knowing eyes. "Your right visiting them would put them in danger. I wish I could have protected them better,but I couldn't risk it. It seems my not meddling has caused more harm than good." She said sadly as she watched the male tucking a smaller and much younger male into bed.

"SISTER!" An angry voice says making all the wolves look toward the giant doors of the the beautiful garden as they slam open and gorgeous male with perfectly golden tanned skin,bright golden hair,and furious dark emerald green eyes storms into the once quiet garden.

"What do you think you're doing?!" He hisses in rage as he glares at her "You know it's always my children who get sent down there!" He screams as the wolves jump up and growl at him.

"Now now brother, you know that isn't true. My own children have gone down to earth,though last time was six thousand years ago and they have long since vanished from this world." She says her voice silky and calm. "Besides I have his permission to send mine down,he doesn't like how when yours go down the world burns." She added with a smirk.

"You know that's false!" The male growls as the woman waves her hand calming the two older wolves and with a small hum the two older wolves walk off leaving her with her brother and the younger wolf.

"You know you're wrong dear brother. Let's see you first children lead the Atlanteans going into hiding,your second batch lead to the Dragon's almost going extinct,and your last recent batch lead to the almost complete annihilation of the human race which has lead to many species who depend on the human facing extinction." She said smugly as she pet the young wolf "While my children lead to last species coming and the world righting itself as they fight or tame the forces of darkness." She added with a hum.

The male seethed in anger,flames gathering around his feet "You're wrong! I didn't want my own species facing this. The vampires are descendants from my own children,I didn't mean for their hardships to happen!" He growls his eyes showing how upset he is at the hardship his descendants face from what he did.

"I know you didn't brother,but it was your fault for cursing my wolves that made me curse you children to live out of your sunlight and be forced to drink blood." The woman said not caring what happened to her brothers vampires. "You shouldn't have tested me dear brother,you know my cursing is stronger than yours." She added petting the young wolf

"Shut up you bitch!" The male yelled his flames going out and burning the nearby plants. "Your wolves are nothing but dogs. How do you expect your three brats to beat four children of darkness!" He growls his eyes flashing at her in hatred.

She smiles getting up and holding the young pup "You see brother dear that's where you are wrong. My three will tame the dark children,I was able to get the children of darkness first soul mates which you murdered eons ago." She said walking over to a small plant cradle "My children will give birth to the soul mates and raise them,as the children of darkness are always the same souls with all their past lives memories they will recognize their mates and I hope that by giving them what they lost it will change them." She said laying the pup down in the cradle.

"WHAT?!" The male roared "How did you get their souls! I killed them and kept those souls." He yelled in anger pissed that those souls would be reunited with their rightful mates.

She smiled "You see I got his permission to do it dear brother,after all those souls belong to Psyche, the keeper of souls. You kept them because you were angry they denied you entrance to their beds,you are nothing but a man whore dear brother who kills those who deny you bedding them." She said angrily. All this destruction could have been prevented if her brother wasn't such a greed bastard.

He seethed before he smirked "Yes true,but I can just as easily kill your brats." He said evilly turning to leave before he was slammed into a wall with a tight grip on his throat.

"Touch my children and you will die,I have no fear of killing you after all their many gods of the sun who would happily take your place. So heed my warning brother,touch or harm any of my boys and I will kill you." She growled into his face,her nails sinking a bit into his throat as he struggled in her grip.

She growled letting him go,watching him drop to the ground before kicking him in the ribs "And your wrong brother." She spit hatefully "My fourth child is here with me,he will be sent down soon but his time has not yet come." She said walking back to her pup who let out a happy purr nuzzling her hand.

The male growled getting up and walking out,pausing to glare back at her "You will regret this dear Artemis,I will get revenge for this." He spat walking out as the doors slammed on his heels.

"I look forward to it dear Apollo,Harm my boys and you will be one regretting it." She said softly looking down at her child in the bed. "I will watch over your brothers little Sol, I will not lose them or you to him." She said kissing him lovingly as she looked back down at the water of the fountain.

"Be careful my boys, you walk a dangerous and shadowed path." She whispered softly blowing a small kiss at the images of her children who were sleeping soundly down on earth.


Vote and please comment I would love to hear what you all though of this part :)

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