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Well.....I like this chapter XD  Coming up with this stuff is not easy XD


Sebastian's pov:

He's so cute curled up asleep with his nephews,all of them letting out soft snores and I can feel the peace in his mind the nightmares staying away for now but I saw how bad they were my abilities not strong enough at keeping them all away last time he slept.

"Seb~" A voice I know really well calls from the bathroom before the doors is opened by my mother who looks at my mate her golden eyes softening as she she sees what I see, a frail abused child. Her long butt length blond hair in in a long braid and her skin is beautiful in her humanoid Atlantean form.

"Aww the poor baby" She says walking over and petting my mate's hair softly,seeing his memories through her touch as I got my mother's powers to see the unseen and my father power to heal at the same time. My mother is one of my kind whose mate is a fairy which is my father who appears from the bathroom a few seconds later.

"I will never get use to portals." He says walking over looking at my mate and the two little kids curled up next to him. Being one of the earth my dad doesn't really like being underwater too much and being a healer I called him to come see if my mate can really be healed fully.

"Who are you?" A voice asked making me looked down to see the twins awake but I think the one named Sam spoke. They blink their identical eyes as my mother stiffens looking at them closely observing them.

What's wrong Mother? I ask through our connection "My parents I called them to check on Alex." I say offering them a smile imagining my own kids growing in my mates and being born. They nod before slipping out and running out of the room and closing the door.

"One of them is Dracula reincarnated,but they both have Vampire blood in them so I can't tell which one it is." My mother says watching them leave before she turned and looks at my mate "He's suffered so much...he should have been loved with who he is." She whispered petting his hair with glowing fingers as she starts channeling her powers and I watch my mates hair go from it's dark brown hue to brilliant pure white.

"What did you do?" I ask in shock running my hand through his now soft white hair amazed, I know his twin had white hair but I had no idea he did too. I should have known my mother would find something unique about my mate since she is a Oracle.

"He and his two sibling are not related to those who raised them, they are her children. They are the children of the moon goddess Artemis." She says her eyes serious while her words turn my blood to ice. The children of Artemis,the brings of the final species of Dragon,Demons,and the Pheonix.

"But that's impossible,if they were brought into this world we would all know!" My father shouts looking at my mate who is still asleep. They,the children of Artemis are not suppose to exist in our world as when they are born into this world it's a sigh the forces are out of balance and they three offspring of darkness will be born as well.

"It is true and that means the three of darkness will be born soon as the chosen have been found. I worry though the three of moonlight are in condition to fight the darkness." My mother says looking at me with glowing eyes as he powers are flowing "This stays between us as there are other who want these three dead and if what was foretold eons ago it to come true they must live. A spell was cast on them to hide them which I undid his reviling who he truly is I  imagine the wizard who did this damage knew what they were as well and the youngest one is important somehow which was why he wanted him." She whispered getting up and walking away with my father following behind her.

My mate a moon child,a bringer of holy light with his siblings...I wonder who the three bringers of darkness are. and were they are in this world.

"We are in for one hell a fight mon loup,but I will not desert you child of Artemis or not you are mine and I will not lose you." I growl softly knowing she,his real mother can hear him and I mean it I will not lose him to the fight that is to come.


Well what do you think? XD Major cliff hanger or amazing plot twist XD Vote and comment <3 

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