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Alex pov:

I wake up in my bed wondering how the heck I got there before remembering I made a blubbering idiot of myself. Man how could I breakdown and starts sobbing in front on my mate, how stupid can I be?

"You're not stupid mon loup, you needed to good cry." Sebastian says coming into view with a glass of water and some advil for me. "You need to get it off your chest mon loup, I will never punish you for crying." He says lovingly as he he gives me the water and advil.

"Thank you." I whisper happily as I pop the meds into my mouth and drink the water loving how nice and cold it is slides down my throat. "So you're an Atlantian." I mummer looking up at my second chance mate wondering how his kind stayed hidden for so long.

"Yes I am. I watched Greece grow and fall along with with many other ancient countries and cities." He says cupping my cheeks with his hands "I've lived all that time in Atlantis,yes it's real, waiting for you to be born. We've stayed hidden for centuries using our powers to stay hidden only coming up onto this land when we sense out mate's been born. I am so sorry mon loup I sensed when you were born, yet I wanted to wait for you to grow up but it seems my waiting caused more harm than good." He sighs smiling at he sorrowfully.

"It wasn't your fault. I chose to give up my childhood to save my baby brother. I don't regret it at all, yes he had a bad childhood but with being free he met his mate and has happiness." I say firmly bring my hands up to hold his lightly as I look him in the eyes. "I'm really happy the one time he let me out Black's men showed up and took us away, I met my first mate which ended bad but now I have you." I smile lovingly at him.

He smiled back before laughing "You are going to be handful my little mate." He laughs kissing me lightly on the lips before pulling back and resting his forehead on mine. I giggle with him knowing he is so wrong "Your laugh is so beautiful." He whispers with his eyes closed.

I feel a blush work it's way onto my cheeks, I never blushed until I met Sebastian and I like it a lot. But I really wondering I can be with him in a sexual way after what's happened to me...kisses and hugs are really nice but anything more I don't think I can do it.

"I don't care about that little one. I waited this long for you I can wait however long we need for you to heal both physically and mentally, I know you are not ready for sex with how you are now." He says pulling back to look me in the eyes with love.

Smiling I start crying again. I'm really happy he's willing to wait and not want me for sex,I was so happy.

"Aww come on mon loup don't cry,I said I would never hurt you and know that would hurt you badly." He says leaning back and wiping my tears away gently "Though tears of happiness are a good thing." He adds with a laugh making me giggle a bit.

"Why are you making my uncle cry?" Two little voices say from the door making Sebastian jump a bit and me giggle as I look around at him at Tico and Sam who once again managed to pick the lock to my room without making any noise.

"There tears of happiness." I say smiling at them and gesturing for them to come cuddle with me. I think they've helped me heal the most with their crazy views of the world,they're playfulness,and helping remind that what I gave up gave Sage this happiness with his mate.

"Oh okay Uncle." They say slipping into my bed "We love you uncle." They say cuddling together and against me before falling asleep. Smiling I curl up next to them looking at ,y mate for him to come and cuddle too.

Smiling he slips under my covers and hugs me looking at the boys with a soft smile and loving eyes that hold hope for our future,one I never thought I would have but now I know I can.

"I can't wait to see you carrying out kids~" he purrs into my ear making me smile and nod my head in agreement. I can't wait to be snuggling my little ones like this and spoil them rotten.


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