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Please note this one is a bit graphic near the need with dead bodies and such. On a happy note I finished my final year of high school and will be attending graduation soon :)

Sebastian's pov:

He was amazing,the way he was moaning and tightening around my dick was amazing and then when he leaned up and marked it was like a million sparks of pleasure shot through me.

"You were amazing mon loup." I whisper to him softly as I pet his sweat soaked hair as I lean forward biting him neck to break the skin and place my mark. My kind was cursed similar to vampires with we have to drink blood,but we can only drink the blood of our mate and the cravings don't start until we find them.

Pulling back and licking the blood of my lips I look my mark I left on him,unlike him I have to give him my mark after we've had sex. It's a way my kind makes sure out mate will conceive as out marking bite delivers fertility hormones that increase the conception rates regardless of our mates gender. If the mated pair is both males and the bottom can't conceive because they don't have womb,this is more common with human mates, the mark bite will change the hormones to start altering the mate's body creating it's own womb by changing the male internally a bit.

He grumbled softly rolling over and snuggling into the blankets and as much I didn't want to I had to pick him up off of the bed,I didn't want him sleeping and rolling in the soiled sheets. Slipping him off the bed earned me some grumbled sleepy curses and I think a threat to my nuts.

Smiling I laid him on the couch as I quickly changed the sheets before going into the bathroom and wetting a washcloth. Coming back I quickly,yet lovingly,wiped him clean of our love making so he wouldn't be sticky or dirty when he woke up.

Laying him back on the bed and covering him the light yet warm comforter I kissed his head stretching as I was walked down the stairs to the kitchen only to see my prince reading in the living room.

"Hello Seb. I wanted to meet you mate but you both sounded busy." He said with a smile as he closed the book and turned his gold eyes on me. The prince is handsome in his own right with sun kissed skin,light gold eyes,and dark red hair showing his royal bloodline.

"Yes,his first heat." I said bowing my head to my prince earning a tsk.

"Aw come on Seb you and I grew up together stop it." He said with an angry pout as I raised my head with a smirk.

"I could say the same to you Leo.does your guard know you're here?" I asked as I took a seat across from him giving him a glare as he glanced away.

"No,I need sometime to myself and having guards follow me everywhere is annoying plus I wanted to deliver this news myself." He said looking me in the eyes "We found him,the man who hurt your mate and had River. This man is sick and he's over a thousand years old." He growls holding out a folder I quickly take.

I frown as I read,this man is responsible for the million of deaths that lead to the fairies going into the hiding,the dragons going to the brink of extinction and many other crimes.

"Louis Wayfeild, senior wizard class the fuck is this bastard still alive?! These files say he should have died along time ago around the same time Caesar came to power!" I hiss glaring my childhood friend angrily.

"My guess is he has a dragon imprisoned and has been drinking it's blood for years." He sighs running a hand through his hair. Dragon blood can give immortality but only for a hundred years before the blood goes out of your system,if this psycho wizard has one it would explain why he's still alive.

"Do you know where he is located?" I growl out looking at the pictures of his victims,all of them raped before they were murdered. The most horrifying ones being the ones of children he abducted, their eyes being gouged out while they were still alive,their tiny bodies being cut up and stitched back together after their insides were removed and then stuffed like they were dolls.

"Somewhere in the mountains near your mates old home." Leo sighed getting up and opening a portal "I wish you luck in finding him,leave him alive so all of can get a hit at him one of those kids he murdered was my sister." he whispered before leaving.

Sighing I pick up the files and begin reading the names of those he murdered and raped in cold blood plotting how to make his death as painful as he no doubt made these kids.

Lilly Colony,beloved older sister of Leo Colony born around the time of the Caesar's rise to power and princess to the Atlantean throne, disappearing four days after her ninth birthday found dead two years after, her body sew together with her insides removed and signs of sexual abuse on her with her eyes gouged out.

Tommy Amulet a young thirteen year old fairy boy born around the time or Rome's rise to power disappearing a week after his birthday on his way home from school,his body found dumped in a trash can with his eyes gouged out his organs ripped out of him and thrown around his dead body with his wings shredded.

James Mineral, a young hundred year water dragon born around the time of the greek gods and disappearing a month after the birth of his little sister, his body found with his skin peeled off and dumped in a heap of animal waste sexual abuse found after examination of his body.

After reading about twenty of these files I have to stop,I can't believe he did these things to them all of them being classified as babies by their cultures or their species. I know his pattern,he goes after the young ones,the ones who can't fight, the ones like my mate and his brother.

I swear I kill him no matter what,I will not let him harm another child and avenge those who died by hand,their last moments filled with terror as they realized they were going to die and never see their loved ones again.

I cried a bit typing this but it's sad. Vote,comment,and I'll try to get this one done in a month or two if I can XD

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