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Alex Pov:

Something is happening, my rapist is scared as he comes hurrying into the room where he keeps all of us. River and I are sharing a cage meant for a big dog so we don't have a lot of room to move,that and our hands are cuffed together with a chain connecting us.

He growls yanking us out of the cage making us both yelp as he drags us away from the others and to the room where he always rapes and beats us. He's been trying to make me miscarry but thankfully my baby is still okay. He hisses throwing us to the bed before punching River in the gut knocking the wind out of him long enough to stun him as he uncuffs him and throws him into the cage in the room before growling down at me.

"They've come for you!" he hisses making hope rise in my chest. He came for me Sebastian came to save me.

"But if I can't have one will~" he hisses trying me up as he smirks pulling a silver knife from the wall next to us making me pale and scream as he plunges it downwards.

I hear Sebastian's voice turning to look where I heard it come from seeing him slam into the room his eyes widening in terror before I turn my head limply seeing the knife in my stomach,right where my pup would be before everything goes black.


"Alex wake up." a familiar voice says sending the darkness away as I open my eyes slowly.

"Welcome back baby...I thought I almost lost you." My mother says smiling at me making me smile weakly.

" I dead?" I whimper scared and not wanting to leave Sebastian, we had so many things we wanted to do together and places to see.

"No sweetie, being my child I can save you and I did. Right now you're in a healing coma. You have been for three months." She says softly as she runs a hand through my hair as I gasp.

"Three months!" I yelp trying to sit up my body feel weak and drained so the best I can do is a tiny flop.

"Yes, it took three months for me to bring you back. That knife had a poison hat trapped your soul so you would never be reborn again and never find Sebastian again. Your light was almost gone by the time I found you." she tells me calmly but her voices breaks a little at the fact that she almost lost me to a poison.

"He said...if he couldn't have me no one would..." I whimper out wanting to hug my mom and comfort her but I can't move.

"He was crazy and foolish...I wish I could spend more time with you baby but Sebastian needs you. He's never left your side there three months and don't worry...I called in a favor and your baby is fine." she says smiling before my vision goes black again and my body feel like it's on fire.


Beep  Beep Beep.

Something is beeping next to me,but I can't move, it feel slike very breath is fire going inside of me making my lungs burn like I'm fire and every part of my body feels sore like I've been through hell which I guess I have been.

"Please Al...please wake up..." I hear someone sniffle next to me their voice sounding like their talking to me while I'm underwater as it sounds far away and muffled but I can hear them a little.

"Mon Loup...please wake up...I need you mon coeur without you my life is meaningless..please Alex wake up come back to me.." Another voice says sounding so sad and broken that it makes my chest hurt and the beeping falters a little.

"Did you see that?!" The first voice squeaks the voices starting to get clearer and the burning feeling going away as I twitch my fingers a little even though it hurt and my body protests the movement.

"He twitched his fingers!" It says again by I can tell it's Sage his voice sounding hopeful and full of emotion.

"Alex...please mon coeur wake up and open those lovely eyes for me." Sebastian begs and I feel him touch me gently, the contact making sparks go through me as his touch calms me, it's so gentle and soft compared to the wizard.

Focusing the best I can I will my heavy eyelids to move a little seeing blurry figures leaning over me as I force my eyes to focus as I blink a few times forcing the muscles to move by will as I smile weakly at my mate and family.

Sebastian smiles his expression one of relief,but I can see how pale he is and how thin he's gotten without me making me whimper weakly before he hugs me and starts whispering sweet nothings into my ear as I relax happy to be back home.

I'm safe here with my mate and loved ones. 

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