The Mad Hatter Part 1

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It's all going to be 3rd person's pov but once in awhile I'll throw in a pov.Now, this chapter is dedicated to Danismyspiritanimal, thank you for the great cover. :)

Ben, Mal, Evie and Carlos just arrived at a broken windmill,along with a table outside of it.Ben was completely nervous because this will be the first time he will be meeting Maddy's dad.The other were excited because they love the Mad Hatter, he has always treated them like his own.Anyway, when they got to the table, they saw three figures waking up.When the Mad Hatter woke up, he quickly sat up and smiled.He knew that Ben was not just here to collect ingredients but there was also a part that the Fairy Godmother left out.If he wants all the ingredients then must slay a terrible beast.Ben and the others watched in shock as the Mad Hatter walked on the table, along with how graceful he got down.He was now in front of them, kneeling.

Mad Hatter: "It's you."

They looked as they saw a mouse start talking.

Mouse: "I'm still not sure it's him."

Mad Hatter: "It's absolutely Ben.You're absolutely Ben.I'd know you anywhere."

Then he looks at his friends.

Mad Hatter: "I'd know her anywhere."

That got the mouse and the hare laughing, while the others along with Ben chuckled.

Carlos: "Yeah, sounds like Maddy sometimes."

That made everyone smile, but then the Mad Hatter grabbed Ben and Mal's hands while they grabbed the other two.They were walking on the table.

Mad Hatter: "Well, as you can see,we're having tea.And it's all because I was obliged to kill Time waiting for your arrival.You're terribly late,you know.Naughty."

He made all four of them sit in different chairs.

Mad Hatter: "Well, anyway, Time became quit offended and stopped altogether.Not a tick ever since."

They smiled when they saw the Cheshire Cat appear with a cup and a grin.

Ben: "Time can be funny sometimes."

Mad Hatter: "Yes, yes, of course, but now you're here, you see, and we need to get on to the Frabjous Day."

Mouse and Hare: "Frabjous Day!"

The four teen looked at them confused.

Mad Hatter: "I'm investigating things that begin with the letter "M."

Then he leans down and whispers.

Mad Hatter: "Have you four have any idea why a raven is like a writing desk?"

Suddenly the Hatter's voice changed.

Mad Hatter: "Downal wyth Bluddy Behg Hid!"

Carlos: "What?"

Cheshire: "Down with the Bloody Big Head, the Bloody Big Head being the Red Queen."

Mad Hatter: "Come, come.We simply must commence with the slaying and such.The quicker we do that, the quicker I get to see my little Hatter.Therefore, it is high time to forgive and forget or forget and forgive, whichever comes first or is, in any case, most convenient.I'm waiting."

He held up a clock as he said that,Mal, Evie and Carlos kept looking at the Cheshire Cat while Ben looks at Mad Hatter.The Mad Hatter reminds him of Maddy. "They do act so much alike,she might not be as mad as him but she has her moments." He thought.The Hare picks up his watch out of the tea, causing three of the teens to smile.

Hare: "Hey.It's tick-tick...It's ticking again."

Cheshire: "All this talk of blood and slaying has put me off my tea."

Mad Hatter: "Ah.The entire world is falling to ruin and poor Cheshire's off his tea."

Cheshire: "What happened that day was not my fault."

They watched as Maddys dad's eye's turned red, and they knew now where she got her temper from.The Hatter stood up and walked to the Cheshire Cat.

Hare: "Oh, dear."

Mad Hatter: "You ran out on them to save your own skin, you guddler's scuttish pilgar lickering shukm juggling sluking urpal.Bar lom muck egg brimni!"

Mouse: "Hatter!"

"Reminds of the day I first saw Maddy." Ben throught.He watched as Hatter's eye's turned to normal.

Mad Hatter: "Thank you."

Hare: "Meow."

Mad Hatter: "I'm fine."

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